Thursday 26 February 2015

The Best WO(man)- Part 6

Fifteen days passed. I had no fool proof plan to disrupt their wedding. I was fed up trying to find ways. Whatever plans I made, it backfired majorly. It was like gods wanted this union to happen. Why can't they understand that Augustus life would be miserable if he was with her?

My heart was paining to see her charm my brother into a trap from where he would be doomed forever. I felt guilty that I couldn't save him. My whole day was spent on preparing manipulative plans that never executed due to various reasons.

I was getting restless. Nights were even more worse. I would wake up to nightmares of her terrorizing him to perform mediocre jobs while she sat like princess. 

As we walked through the park, I saw a dog. It was cute looking creature. It's eyes and furry features were enough to release my depressive mood. 

It bought me memories. Someone hated animals. It's mere presence would make her run away. What if I had bought in dog? A pet could do wonders that Nancy couldn't do it. She hated these furry creatures as she felt they weren't clean. 

During the evening, I coaxed Augustus to buy the pet. It was cute little Labrador named Buddy. Buddy and me became instantly friends. It now had role in my plan... to drive her out of his life.

(To be continued)

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 5

Ah! Why have I not thought about this? I was sitting at the couch with my legs stretched while I flipped through their old pictures in his profile in social networking site. There was one girl in those pics who seemed to be too close to him. It looked like as if she would pounce on him any moment if she was left alone with him. Anyway, the idea didn't strike then. It struck me only when I had asked him who she was and Nikki refused to say who she was before he could say anything.

Wow! Her face was red when I showed her picture. She was miffed as usual. I was so used to her mood swings. But this was weird. It meant that she was possessive about him. Possessiveness can be dangerous in love. Perfect! I found my bait. I just need to execute it.

A hot chick could bring rain of misunderstanding to any relationship. It is proven fact. The girl in picture fitted this role. So I started researching about her. Internet has always been boon to modern age. Social networking was one of it's benefit that let me to the girl. I got the name of my bait- Nancy. Now was the time to execute the second part of my plan. I had to reach her.

I messaged her as Augustus's sister who was keen to host a party for his happiness. She instantly replied me and said she would definitely help me. Ah Nancy! I didn't know how I could thank her. I also got to know that she stayed few blocks away. I met her and we planned a party for him. During our discussion, I also got to know that she used to be Nikki's best friend. Due to darling Nancy's increasing popularity, Nikki had broken their 15 years of friendship. 

The weekend arrived and so did the party. Nikki and Augustus arrived home to bunch of old as well as new friends. It was all unexpected to them. The most surprising part was Nancy hugging and kissing Augustus. The fire had ignited again.I could see that Nikki didn't like it. Her grip on his arms grew tighter. She didn't leave him the whole party.

But it was a short lived happiness. The party was over. Nothing happened other than Nancy trying to flirt with Augustus. Unfortunately Ms sticky Nikki never left him. Every time Nancy touched him, Nikki would instantly brush her hand off. Nancy left after lot of trials. None of her attempts were responded by Augustus. He was truly, deeply and madly in love with Nikki.

(To be continued)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Best WO(man)- Part 4

Life never seemed so cool until now.  I never knew I could be so evil. I had to be evil for my brother's good. Everything was happening according to plan though the events were taking place in slow pace. Anyway I was happy with the results. I didn't care about the pace. I had one month to bring the differences between the two lovers. 

There were many of her ego clashes on things I did. The way I spoke.. The way I sat.. The way I walk.. The way I eat.. The way I drink.. Everything! She deemed me to be unfit in her world. A world filled with plastics was not right place for Augustus. She may trap him by her charm. But she didn't know that I was here for only purpose- to bring back Augustus from the hell.

The fire was building but it wasn't enough to burn their relationship. Her ego clashes and temper were cooled down soon by him. His words and quick embrace was enough to cool her down. But that didn't stop me. I came up with many ways to start quick fights between them. But those fights were not enough. He considered them to be small measures that were making their relationship stronger.God! When will I ever be able to bring him to senses. 

And he being a good brother tried to break the ice between us. It had been days since I came and we still acted as if we were strangers. Today she accompanied me for shopping. As she walked into the branded outlets, spending her will in unnecessary items, I became her maid to hold her bags and follow her like the hand servants of spoilt princesses. I despised her more than ever. Augustus had sent her to help me with shopping. And here I was doing her duty. Ridiculous!!

She rushed towards her favorite shops , sometimes leaving me stranded in the strange place. Once I spotted her, she would avoid me. I felt humiliated and furious. "Ah! Augustus! Why? Didn't you get better girls to share your life. Her??", I said my thoughts loud. I didn't care whether she heard or not. She did hear. She did feel miffed. As usual she came home with her signature mood  and my lovely Augustus was behind her already.

He tried to make her feel better. He also tried to pacify her with all kind of bribes of buying her another designer jewelry or a two week vacation at Monte Carlo. She didn't agree. He also accepted to cook for her for rest of his life. God! Can you believe that? Miss snobbish Nikki didn't accept that. Well! In the end she became his darling Nikki only after I had apologised for shouting out the truth. 

(To be continued)

Monday 23 February 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 3

He tried best to persuade me. He said, "Hey kiddo, it;s the men who become the best man of the groom. You can be  my pretty bride's maid of honor.". I smirked and growled softly.  Maid of honor... I would rather die than be her maid of honor. Never! Never ! I will never be his maid of honor. 

I didn't listen. I kept coaxing him to accept me as his best man or best woman. But he didn't agree. He kept talking about traditions. It was funny to hear speak about traditions. He was not the kind who spoke about all this. He was modernist unlike me who was extremist. He would be first person to bring the change in anything he did. Unlike me, he would bring the changes in sober manner. However he was not ready to accept this. I knew why.

I didn't give up on the idea. My whole plan of wrecking their marriage was depending on me being his best man/woman. Sometime being too adamant on what we need works. And yeah, it works especially for me. The base had to built strong, My foundation of plan lied on me being his best man/woman. I cribbed. I moaned. I ignored him some time until he gave up. He agreed at last.

The easy part of making him believe me was done. But the huddle was still there. The ice berg that broke the mighty titanic was still there against my plan.. his lovely bride Nikki. He got held up with her, trying to make understand her.

I was enjoying it. Ah the fire! I had created bit of fire between them as soon as I had landed. She wasn't ready to accept it. She felt I was being too kiddish about what I wanted, Anyway I was really happy. But I tried to control my excitement as I had long way to go.

She agreed finally when Augustus promised the bitch to buy her diamond necklace. Arggh! I hate her. But I enjoyed looking at her miffed face. She was definitely not happy with being his best man/woman.

(To be continued)

Thursday 19 February 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 2

Yes! I was going to do everything to break their marriage. A marriage that was not destined to happen. I was excited. I had lot of work to do. I had outlined plan for every day and every minute. I had become the little Dexter until I told Ravi, one of my best friends. The excitement made me Dexter's big sister Dee Dee. When I told my plan to Ravi, he scolded me.

Ravi was not too good in keeping secrets. The secret was out in form of rumors spread by my disloyal friend. Everyone tried to stop me. But I was me.. the adamant.. the arrogant me didn't listen to anyone. They thought I was out of my mind. I loved my brother. His happiness mattered to me.

Few days later, I received tickets from Augustus. My flight was scheduled next week and his wedding was one month from the day I reach his place. So that means I had one month to wreck this wedding. The week passed by. Ravi and others tried to persuade me to forget about my super amazing plan. But I didn't leave and left to New York.

I reached the airport with jet lag sans all the goodies sent by my dear mom. The customs took all in name of policies of what should not be bought to the country. Whatever! I don't think Augustus would have enjoyed having them. His taste buds were accustomed to bland foods unlike our tangy flavored dishes. Anyway , Augustus was thrilled to see me and with him was his wrecked fiance.

As usual I hugged him and completely ignored her. She didn't mind. She was totally engrossed in staring at her gaudy nail colour. Augustus tried to break the ice between us. He formally introduced me to her and she said, " Oh Baby! I know her. (looking at me) You are the one who got dumped by some guy, Rhea was dating.". Not again, the bitch had managed to attack the soft spot. I smirked at her.
We chatted for long hours while he was driving. She sat boringly staring at the running motion of the world as we moved. The discussion continued until I asked him who was his best man.He told me it was her brother .I was annoyed. We had made promises that I would be his best man during his wedding, While he took it lightly, I took it seriously though I knew a woman has never been a best man to a groom.

(To be continued)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 1

Love has many phases. The one of the phase is possessiveness. Possessiveness is good until it doesn't become an obsession. An obsession can be dangerous if it becomes extreme. Well ! I don't know how much I adore my cousin Augustus. 

I loved him with my whole heart. He was my brother from the blood which we were not supposed to be mingle with. He was my uncle's ( my father's younger brother) son from foreign blood. In other words, he was my step cousin. While other relatives stayed away from him, I would always be there for him.  He was my friend and brother to look up to.

I had always thought no matter what happens I will never let him go. Our relationship was strong as the rock. Nothing kept us apart. We were stuck with each other as glue. That's what I thought it was. I never wanted to share him with anyone else. I was too obsessed with him. His attention was what I always wanted and he gave me lion share of it.

Today I sit , stomping my feet. The reason? His marriage.He had dropped news of getting married like a bomb. I was dumbstruck for sometime. He had never disclosed this secret to him. It still amused me that how he hid this very fact about his life. He always shared every minute of happenings in his life.

He was happy. I should have been happy if he hadn't told that he was marrying her. I was largely shocked because of him marrying her. How could he marry her? She was the most despised  creature in my life. Her name was more than enough to spoil my mood. She always tried to look better than me.. do things better than me.. always be there for right as well as wrong reasons in Page 3. It was like she loved being captured by the lenses of paparazzi. 

What's wrong with him? He was making a mistake of his life. I knew this marriage would never stick for long time. She was not right for him. She was too glitzy and glamorous unlike my Augustus who found simplicity even in little things of life. I had to stop this marriage.

( To be continued)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Red bangles- Part 2

She felt miserable. Her delicate body couldn't take the weight of the emotional turbulence occurring in her heart. She fell on the ground, crying out her heart. Was her love too weak to let him go? How could God be selfish? She had not even completed an year of marriage and her husband was gone.

God was unkind to her. He had stolen her love. She wished from her deepest heart that she had not let her love go and follow her heart. How was she going to lead her life without him. Everyday she would spend, only thinking about him. She had waited for this day to jump into his arms. She had never thought she would be witnessing tragedy.

Her hear didn't lose hope. Her consciousness forced her to move further. Her negative side mocked her for the false hope she had. She tried to get up. But she didn't have the guts to move forward. She had no courage to see his dead body stacked by other bodies. She wanted to leave.

She couldn't get up. She felt too weak for getting up. Her energy was drained in this emotional outburst. She looked around. All she could see was blood and death, Life was faint dream disappearing in thin air 

She had only begin to understand love. Before she could understand deeper meaning of relationship, everything that revolved around her love was snatched away. Tears didn't stop. She had never cried so much for someone she loved. Her dreams and life had changed so soon. It was all fine and within few minutes, it had become messy. She felt lonely and depressed. It was too hard on her though she didn't know whether he was still alive.

 Suddenly he walked out of nowhere into her life. It was miracle. He hugged her from behind. She was startled to see him. She was happy and relieved. She scolded herself for not following her heart. How could she believe that he would leave her. She had not tried to get up to look out for him. She kissed him all over his face and asked for forgiveness. He held her tight and said," Why do you ask forgiveness? I am here safe and sound. I had promised you I would come looking out for you even if I had died." She hit him for saying the word death in front of her. " I will kill you if you ever say death.", she scolded him. " Would you really kill me? You love me too much to kill me.", he said, pulling her more close and kissing her on her forehead.

******  The End ******

Thursday 12 February 2015

The Red Bangles- Part 1

She stared at her not so new red bangles. It was symbol that reminded her about him. She felt a slight blush arriving on her face. She played with her bangles while her red dupatta swayed to the music of carefree winds blowing. The memories of her dear husband played in her mind. Every events ran in her mind like as if it was happening for the first time.

The day of her life where she accepted him as her beloved had arrived and gone so quickly.  But his memories remained with her for long till now.Marriage is all about the adjustments and responsibilities and she was ready for it. She had accepted his desire to fight for their country and free his countrymen from the foreign power that had been ruling for more than 100 years.

She blushed at thought of meeting him after long long time. She had waited for this day since one year. A day never passed where she didn't think about him. He had promised her that he would meet her exactly after an year. He had gone for a cause that would take an year to execute. He was excited that he was going to be part of Bhagat's group. But he couldn't manage to cover his pain caused by the separation.

She received his last letter. He had spoken about love and days that he hadn't been with her. He also praised her for being strong and waiting patiently for him. He had also counted days for their reunion. She reread the letter again and again until she remembered each words written by him was time and in few minutes she will meet him.

The train had arrived. Half of its compartments were set on fire. She could hear the loud wails of children, women and all kinds of people crying. Dead bodies were hanging out of the train. She could hear her heart beat thump loudly. The only question that was in her mind was that was he safe?

Every minute, she prayed for his safety. In few minutes, life was going to be changed drastically. She saw few mutilated bodies of his friend. She covered her mouth, forcing herself to stop crying. But tears couldn't stop. Hopes had died. She stopped still and dropped down when she couldn't take it more.

(To be continued)

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 8

She visited him after days of making him wait for her. At last the silence broke and she asked him the reason for his wait, " Why.. why are you doing this to me? When you know the answer, why are you still here?" She felt guilty. She tried to cover it but her eyes said it all.

Love has no reason and she knew this very well. " Why do you love me while I can't love you back? You know that I love him so much. I have already promised him that I will be with him.", she said. "How can I break his promise? How can I accept you when my heart beats for him?", she added.

"Ha! You meet me with so many questions. Okay! I will answer one by one. You are the only one person whose expectation from me is simple. I have never met such a beautiful person who can teach you how to love in simply way. And who says you don't love me the same way. You love me like a friend. Don't break his heart but you can do one thing.", he said .Later he asked her if she will remain his friend.

She readily accepted it. She didn't take one second to say the answer. She loved him as a friend. But he made one mistake.. He never acknowledged himself for being beautiful person. " I am not beautiful human. You are.. You silently accepted the pain I gave you involuntarily. I am sorry.", she said.  

He hugged her and said, " Now please stop crying and lets be friend." She smiled after long time since they broke up as friends. Now they were back to bring fun and laughter in each other's life. They remained friends till date.

However he still continued to love. He never stopped loving her as a friend. Infatuation was replaced by respect. He had started respecting her more and she had started trusting him. She had already promised him to make him her maid of honor though she didn't care about her girl friends cribbing for that place. 

************ The end ***********

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 7

He was in pain. His eyes said it all. Pain! Miserable! Havoc! None of the words could best describe what he was going through. She could see it . She could also feel it. But she couldn't help him. She was tied to her own emotions that made her feel not ready to accept any relationship.

He didn't give up. He still waited for her. He never gave up the hope of having her in his life. He didn't mind to be her friend. She had ignoring him. Her silence was torturing his heart. But he had become immune to it.

He waited and waited. But she never came back. She was still recovering from the disbelief. It wasn't an issue. Was she overacting? But he was a friend.. close friend whom she treated and loved him as a friend. She never had such feelings for him. However it was difficult to accept the truth though she wasn't affected by the way he said.

She couldn't see this. His pain was affecting her as a friend. As a friend, she couldn't see him in pain. He was there when she needed the most. He also stayed when she was the cause of him leaving the place. But now when he needed her the most, she couldn't be there.

She saw him waiting for her to give answer though he knew the answer. "Why does he love me so much when he knows I can't give the same?", she wondered. She wished she could accept him without anything holding her back. But she had already committed to somebody else. She couldn't break it for her friend.

Love is strange. It had broken their wonderful friendship. It had become a third fiddle in their relationship. When the desires of two souls in the relationship becomes different, it causes tear in relationship and the distance between them become more with each tear of the string that connects them.

(To be continued)

Monday 9 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 6

Love is limitless but it wasn't in his case. She was limit to his love for her. If he told her, she might leave him. Now it was impossible for him to even forget what he had for her. Whenever he tried, his fear berated him as loser.

The rationale mind taunted him. How could he possible think that spilling out his feeling would heal his pain? How foolish he could be to think that it would be mend his heart? In a whole, it would break one and only true friendship he would treasure. But wouldn't it break him inside if he didn't tell the truth? He hadn't done any sin in loving her. If she was his true friend, she would understand his love.

It was now or never. He didn't care about the outcome. He knew the outcome would be terrible. He had made up his mind to say those words that won't affect their friendship. He had to be careful...very careful.

At last he disclosed the truth. He had found the right opportunity to speak to her. She was alone and no one was there to distract them. They were the only ones to leave her uncle's food station. " You know the reason of me leaving this place few days back? It was love.. It was love for you.. I love you but you don't love me that way. But it's okay. I can stay like this, cherishing our friendship.", she said. 

She was stunned and didn't want to believe. She always had doubt that he had crush on her. But she never took it seriously. She had liked him for his simple nature. She didn't feel bad when he had said that he loved her. But she still couldn't digest this fact.

She left him without saying a single word. She didn't look back. She stayed away from him. She needed time to accept it but she didn't tell him. He suffered due to her silence. He felt he made a sin for falling in love with her. 

(To be continued)

Thursday 5 February 2015

Summertime Sadness - Part 5

He was lost and couldn't take it anymore. He had to get away from her. Being with her was torture to his soul. It was weird that being with her would be so impossible. He was becoming lovesick every day , just by glancing at her.

Leaving her was the best option. She was not going to be part of his life. She like the others was guest for few days in his life. He had to leave the city. He had to leave his friends, family and memories. This was the only remedy to his wounded heart. 

He was ready to leave everything. He was ready to leave the place that had nurtured him from the time he had stepped into this world. But now it had become impossible to stay. He had tried to stay far from her but she did something that even leaving was impossible.

Her sweet words , baby face and her doe eyes were enough to stop him. She made him stop by making him promise on their friendship, " If you promise to stay, then I promise to never follow you like a crazy puppy.". Thus he left the thought of leaving her forever. She asked him, " So tell me, why did you want to leave?" 

He had no words to say. How was he going to say that she was the reason to leave. But he didn't understand why did she stopped him? She was different. Maybe he was over thinking too much. Maybe she only treated him as a friend. Maybe his heart was not ready to accept the truth that she was just a friend.

Love was impossible. It didn't leave him. Every time he believed that she was a friend, his heart would dismiss this fact. He couldn't stay away even if he wanted to. He wished love was not that complicated. He wished he could disclose his heart felt feelings to her. But that never happened ever.

(To be continued)

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Summertime Sadness - Part 4

At last she spilled out the heart out to him. The mention of that damn person name who was the cause of her mood swings had brought the first scratch in his heart. Her words had stabbed him bad. He knew that pretty girls like her were never single. But his heart never gave up.

It jolted him. Every time she mentioned his name, it pinched his heart. " Mark, I don't know why do I love him so much when I know he is not the right one. He treats me well while taunting me of being popular. Is it wrong to be loved by many?". she said with tear eyed. 

He whispered softly, " No" and hugged her. While he consoled her, there was no one to console his heart. Suddenly happiness had escaped from his life without any trace. Sacrifice and failed relationships became part of his life. He had gotten used to such life. Sacrifice was a common word in his life.

It was hard to digest. Knowing that your love would never be yours hurts. She was normal following days but he was not normal. Mark was getting tired being the doormat. So he started to stay far from her.

Whatever it was, now she was over it. She hardly spoke about love. But Mark's weird behavior was not understandable to her. She was still unaware about what he felt for her. His way of distancing himself from her troubled her. She had to find the reason of his cold behaviour towards him.

Vultures of failure doomed his soul. His inner self shouted slogans of loser at him. Even the words of wisdom from friends and family seemed like thorns to him. He wanted to stay away from everyone. He was becoming a loner to the world who knew him.

(To be continued)

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 3

The love is one of the most difficult emotions that is hard to express and hide. It seeps through eyes of a lover for his beloved. He wished she could feel his sweet love. Was his love invisible for her to see? Did she pretend to play with his heart? No, it can't be. She may be bold but not too bold to manipulate with his heart.

He had two ways- either leave or be patient. His time was not up yet. Everything happened at right time. Now, it was too early for him to disclose his secret. He wasn't still sure that he wanted her though every part of his sould and body screamed out her name.

The dreams about her were like fairtale. They were not real. They would disappear as soon as sun rays touched his eyelids while the alarm woke him from the unrealistic imaginations. The most unrealistic dream he ever had was they sitting on the park, smiling at the past without the worries of the future. 

She hadn't spoken to him for few days. This was unlike her personality. She sat aloof, doing her work silently. Whenever he tried to say hi, her respone would only be a smile or she would ignore him completely. What was wrong with her? Did she get to know the truth? Will she distance herself from him?

Such questions pestered him like swarm of bees. They stung his heart. Everyday she would ignore him like as if he was nothing. Everyday he would break his heart by keeping hopes that one day she would come up to him and appologise for being nasty towards him. But that day never arrived. He was in state of losing hope and love had again disappointed him.

After some days, she was back to normal. She spoke to him as if nothing happened. His sorrowful heart was ready to forgive him. He still didn't understand what was wrong with her. He never forced her to share her heart. He was scared to lose her again. Love .. Relationships.. Everything complicated his life

(To be continued)