Tuesday 9 June 2015

The Tiger Hound - Part 2

The night passed. Every single idea that came into his mind was trashed at the same time. He was clueless. Where was he going to bring dog? He wished they had employed humans instead of dogs. What could these dogs do? They would pose as easy prey to the tigers. Humans are last resort to tigers when it comes to hunting. They would always go for easy prey where less risk lies.

Anyway, he was not Panchyat's son to give his view on this issue. He was known as useless by his village's inhabitants. His idea would obviously be shooed away. He walked towards the village pond with frustrated heart. He wished he could starve today instead of having the same old fish for breakfast.

He swam into the pond after taking deep breath. He couldn't stay longer. After taking three-four dips, he was successful in hunting three fishes. They didn't seem to fill his stomach. But it was only thing that could fill his growling hunger. As he gathered his energy to walk back home with his prey, a stray dog tiptoed and stole one of his catch.

It wasn't too long when Prasun noticed the canine thief walking with his catch. He stomped towards the dog and tried to snatch the fish from it's mouth. It was a fight between the animal and man for the food. The dog didn't give up. It gathered it's strength to not let the fish go off his mouth. It growled while maintaining it's stand.

Unfortunately the fish tore into half due to the struggle. A part of the fish was on his hand while the other part was in the canine's mouth. Prasun looked at the dog sternly. It was the common stray dog found in India- Indian pariah dog. It looked not less than six months old. It had slight scar on it's right eye. Probably it had gotten into some kind of accident during it's playful puppy days.

It didn't stay longer and ran away with fear of losing other half to Prasun. Prasun went back home with two and half piece of fishes and cursing his luck of how he couldn't save the other half due to misfortune dog. He was at his home and had almost completed his breakfast when he found the solution to his problem.

(To be continued)

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