Wednesday 3 February 2016

The Second Chance ? - Part 4

Families especially mums are best at sniffing when something is not right in your life. I still don't get about her 'something's wrong sniffing ' expertise. Anyway I was going on about my life. However my mum's constant inquiring about my life and problems made me manipulate the real problem of my life.

I told her a story of  stressful work life and how I craved for a holiday. It was half truth. Work was stressful but it was only time I didn't think about him. It was only time when I was focused on the something else in my life. All I wanted is to get away from him. I don't know why I end up thinking about him when I tried to move on and forget him.

My mum smiled. She said, " I know what you need." I was shocked. My heart stopped beating at a point. I thought," You know what I need?" with my eyes wide open. "You need a pampering time. I know a place where we can get you pampered and rejuvenated. Maybe we will get our fun loving daughter back.", she said.

I sighed. I was hoping that someone knew what I was going through without me having to say anything. But my mum isn't God. How would she know what her daughter was going through? I didn't want her to know what I was going through. I don't think she would take the news in good way.She was conservative even though she was caring and amazing woman.

So we planned our weekend getaway. The place she spoke to us was dad's friend's estate. It was situated in the mountainous range. It took us 6 hours to reach our destination. The place was cool and peaceful unlike our city life. We were spending three days in this heaven.

We were greeted warmly by Dad's friend and his family. His friend spoke greatly about their( Dad and his) rendezvous in this town. In those three days, we were treated with love and care. It was indeed a change for me. But this was just a beginning.. a beginning of second chapter that I didn't know , would happen. I wasn't ready yet for one more meltdown.

(To be continued)