
Thursday 25 July 2013

Once upon a time...Part 5b

Maxim was exited to meet her today. He had thought about the reward he was going to ask for. He took Tigger and her for a walk as routine. “ Princess, you were supposed to reward me.” , he said innocently.
“ Reward..Ummm…Oh ! I get it. When we complete our walk, you will be given bag of gold coins.”, she said.

“ I don’t need gold coins. Please join me today evening for the fest.”he said. She was shell shocked. This was impossible. How was she going to grant this wish? The word ‘outside’ was enough for her stepmother to say no.

“ I can’t grant you this wish, Maxim. Wish for something else! I am forbidden to go outside the palace.”, she said politely declining his offer. “ Please princess, it is just for few minutes. The feast happens only once in a year. I promise to get you back home safely.”, he said. “You don’t understand. I will be grounded for life if I break the code.” , she said, this time sounding more firm. “ Please, it will for an hour and I will make sure that no one gets to know.”, he begged.

Princess Adele simply ignored the plea and continued walking. “ As you wish, princess.”, he said. Silence engulfed their whole journey. They didn’t speak to each other. Maxim felt disappointed and guilty to ask her such a wish. Princess Adele felt tempted to take the offer. It was just for an hour. What could hurt? But she hated the thought of hurting her step mother. She suppressed all the emotions related to ‘sneaking out’.

She was not alone who was saddened due to rejecting the offer. Evil Arcus was too disappointed by the way things were going. He threw his close aide-his magic tools down. He raised both his hands as if he was going to salvage himself and screamed loudly in anger.

(To be continued)

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