
Thursday 4 July 2013

Suspicious wife-part 3c

It was as usual the same boring routine. She was at his cabin with him and Lisa. It was always boring with them only discussing about work. She did nothing except stare at them. The ignorance of the topic made it difficult for her to keep her eyes open. She would fall sleep in between. Luv would often ask her to stay at home. But her aunt’s constant reminding her about the goal made it necessary for her to escort him.

“So how are we going to market this product? Your idea would cost a bomb if we execute it.”,Luv said. “ But we can’t always use models. This product is targeted at middle class housewives and not young sophisticated audience. We need someone whom they can look up to and this actress is well known among our targeted audience. Oh come on, old man. Don’t use the same old spices to cook the broth. Add some new ingredient!” Lisa argued. 

“ What product are you guys talking about?” Disha asked ignorantly, having only heard the word ‘product’ in the conversation due to her sleepiness. “The product is used to clean tough stains in kitchen floors and counter tops. This is what the manufacturer says. It is basically targeted on the housewives like you…I didn’t mean you.. I meant middle class wives.” Lisa explained. The phase ‘housewives like you’ pinched Disha’s soul. “How dare she call her housewife? But hey…I got an idea.”, she said to herself. 

“ Did you say something?”,Luv asked.  “ Yeah… No.. I mean I have an idea.” Disha blushed with embarrassment.  “ Hmmm… can you give me the sample of the product? I will use it and give you my inputs on how to market it tomorrow.”, she said.  Lisa and Luv looked at each other with confusion. They weren’t sure about this. “ Honey, you don’t have to break your head on this. We will come up with….”Luv said politely but he was cut off in middle by Lisa. “Don’t be such a bitch, Luv. She does have a point. You can try the product and tell us what to do with it.”Lisa said with big smile.

Next day was bright filled with hope for Disha to get back her love or prove her worth to Luv. She was at the same place where they had left the last conversation about the product. “ So what did you think about the product?” Lisa asked out of blue. “ Hmmm…it’s great. Why don’t use the real housewives for the product for marketing. They can vouch the product than these models or celebrities.” Disha said. Luv and Lisa didn’t react for a minute. They simply stared at her with funny expressions. Disha’s heart sank and she had already accepted the loss before anybody could anything.

(To be continued)

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