
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Let go-part 12

The night was young with shining full moon. It had been many days since Jasmin and Sarah spoke. She no longer met Aman’s eyes at office. She had requested for transfer which was still pending. She wanted to get away from people whom she once thought cared about her. She had become her usual cold self.

“Hi, Please can we talk.”, he said for zillionth time from past six days. She ignored him as she had been doing after that unfortunate incident. He tried to talking to her in various ways.. making up situations to talk to her. But they never worked.

She was waiting for her cab after the tedious work. There was no one. It was a last shift and she was only person. She felt someone towering her from behind. She turned behind to see that it was him trying one of his tactics to talk to her. She moved few distance away from him. But it was too late before he grabbed by her arm and gave her a passionate kiss. She tried to resist it. However she felt into his charms.


Sarah sat on the couch, waiting for her niece. She was feeling low after what had happened. Jasmin’s cold attitude towards her was taking toll on her. This was making her feel frustrated and guilty. Hiding one truth had become a punishment to her. She only wished that her normal Jasmin was back. She heard bell ring. She got up as a routine to open the door. She knew it was her. But it was strange. Jasmin never rang the bell nowadays. She would open the door by herself.  As she opened the door, she was welcomed by bear hug by her niece. This took her by surprise. It was a dream. She knew if she blinked her eyes , it would vanish. She blinked twice. It didn’t vanish. It was real.

“ Sorry Sarah. I should have believed you. But I was too selfish to listen to you.”, Jasmin said softly. “ No darling, you have every right to be angry.” , Sarah said. “ I didn’t know my dad was trying to get us( Jasmin and her mother) killed. I blamed mother for no reason. She was trying to protect me. I feel so guilty. She was truly great person. She was no coward. Facing goons like my dad was tough job for her. I didn’t know that dad hated me for being  a daughter. I… always blamed mother to keep me away from dad.” , Jasmin said. “ Don’t blame yourself! We never wanted you to know the truth. But this truth cost us your happiness. We are sorry.” Sarah consoled her.

“ Now.. Now guys!  What about me? I felt so neglected.” Aman joked. Jasmin playfully hit him on his shoulder and said, “ Sarah, Thanks for this gift (pointing at him). He’s the best gift I ever had.” “ Don’t leave me again and I have asked boss to reject your transfer request.”,he smiled.
After few weeks, they met Sairah. This time there was proper mother-daughter bonding. Sairah at last got her daughter back. Jasmine had finally let go off her demons called negativity from her life and accepted her life with open hands.

                                               ******** The end*********

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