
Thursday 12 September 2013

A strange love story-part 6

They visited every doctor in the city. Everyone gave the same opinion. “ Sorry Mrs. Srinivasan, you won’t be able to conceive.” . Some doctors did suggest some treatment. They tried every possible solution, nothing worked. As the years passed, they accepted their destiny.

Life in this heavenly small city of America had become monotonous. The old memories at their home town reminded them about their roots. This made them long for to revive their past lives. They missed their families a lot. They wanted to go back. However they both knew that they wouldn’t be accepted by their families. They kept their desire to go back home in back seat of their lives.

Everything that used to be fun got boring and dull. Life in whole was colourless to them. They thought that their lives would be complete with a kid. But it seemed like a lost dream. They had many options. However they were tired of implementing them. Being foster parents to an orphan was not an option to them. They wanted a kid of their own.

One fine day, Raghu resigned his dream job. He sold his car and house for a  good price. He simply told Anisha that they were leaving. Anisha didn’t question him. She did as he said- followed him.

They moved to peace locality in Goa. It was a perfect neighbourhood to start a new life. Raghu got  a new job as professor at the reputed college. Anisha worked as freelance researcher from home. They were getting used to their new life. However this didn’t remain same for long time. Their past resurfaced after many years.

As usual, they were shopping at the vegetable market. To their astonishment, they  saw Raghu’s elder brother and his wife at the market. Raghu like a dutiful younger brother politely greeted his brother. Anisha followed the suit. “…What are you doing here? You have already created too much trouble for us. Now what do you want?” Raghu’s elder brother said.

“ Anna, I am sorry for whatever we have done. Why don’t we mend our older relationship? “ , Raghu said. “ Oh! So you want us to forget whatever you have done!  The shame… the dreadful life… you never got to see this… we had to face the brunt of all your actions. We cannot forgive you! You caused too much of pain to us.”, Raghu’s elder brother mocked at him.

They left before Raghu could speak anything. Anisha was grief stricken. “ I.. am cause of all this… You were so close to your brother. Now… he doesn’t want to see you because of me.”she cried out of guilt. “ Don’t you ever blame yourself! You aren’t the cause of all these things. Think positive- I have you! I don’t need anyone when I have you!” he consoled her.

His words made sense to her. He was right to a quite an extent. Somewhere deep down , she knew that family bond was greater than love.

(To be continued)

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