
Tuesday 17 September 2013

A strange love story-part 8

Anisha bought the tea cups- one for herself and other too her husband. She had poured one drop of the deadly rat poison and mixed well with the tea. They settled with their last tea together. It didn’t take minutes for poison to impact their system. As the poison made it’s way into their heart, they started showing the symptoms- it started with the fits and then white foamy liquid started pouring from their mouth. They lay lifeless and cold within few minutes.

No one suspected their absence. They were already dead to their family. Their neighbours believed that they had gone for the pilgrimage.

 After few days, Varun’s family complained about the foul smell emitting from Srinivasan’s house. First they thought that it was coming from the garbage. However the smell continued to remain even after the garbage was cleared.

“This is it! I am going to take a look at Raghu’s place. The smell has been increasing over the days.”, Varun’s dad said and marched towards the Srinivasan’s house. He checked the veranda to see where the smell was coming. There was nothing- no sign of garbage or decaying carcass of animal.  “ Any clue from where this smell is coming from?” a neighbor asked. “ I don’t know. But the smell is coming from here itself.”, Varun’s dad said. “ Let’s check inside the house.”, the neighbor said. Varun’s dad agreed. They broke the door open and got inside. They found the source of the smell.

They looked shocked at the corpse of the couple. As soon as the police was called, the whole neighborhood surrounded the scene to understand what had happened to the loving couple. No one could ever believe that Srinivasans were no longer there. The postmortem was done and the case was closed stating that it was suicide case. Their bodies stayed at the morgue. Their families were notified about their death. But they didn't come to claim their bodies.

The cause of their death became hot topic for gossip for the people. They made up causes such as Srinivasans were crazy couple or they had died due to wife or husband’s affair or family got them killed. However the rumors died in thin air.

The truth behind their death was clear and white. People knew it, but they chose to remain quiet. It wasn’t about their craziness or adultery or family getting them killed. It was due to loneliness and bitter fact that they had no one to care after their death. They were never accepted by their family or society. They were treated as misfits in the society. The only reason was because they had chosen soul mates for each other without the consent of their family and also because Anisha couldn't bear a child.

Now they could stay peacefully together in heaven. They don’t have to bother about the society’s rules. They were away from all those binding. They were free at last.

                                                      ***** End*******

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