
Thursday 2 January 2014

Consensual-part 10

It hurts when you know the ending of your story is going to turn out sour. The person I wanted to lead my life with ,didn't want me. He was more than annoyed with me. My family was annoyed with me. Few of my friends pitied my conditions and other few of them mocked at me. Marriage became a nightmare that I wanted to get away from. But I couldn’t. Did I have any choice?  I had become slave of my emotions

Falling in love had become a sin for which I was paying huge. I wanted to rip my heart out and take that emotions out. I wanted to be cold. Unfortunately it was impossible task. Love has so many colours. One of them is blue and it is painful.

I thought our wedding was going to be small affair with us getting registered married. But it was other way round.  I had become used to unexpected happenings. Though family weren’t happy with sudden plans, but they got together. The house was in full swing of preparation for wedding. Everyone were busy with the wedding plan. There were few ceremonies that was going to take place before wedding. Elders made it mandatory to have all sorts of ceremonies. However after all the protests and discussions, they stuck with few events.

As official announcement to people, we were engaged in front of few people. It was quite solemn event. No one was really happy except few of them. His smile had disappeared from his face. I felt so guilty for taking away the brightness from his life. I wish I could do something to bring back that smile that had stolen my heart.

We exchanged rings. He put the ring onto my finger with bored expression or I could say as if he was forced. I didn’t let my tears out though I badly wanted. I wished I could free him. But I was bounded too into this fruitless relationship.Our families were too traditional to ask our opinion before binding us together.

I put the ring onto his finger too quick. I wanted to get over with soon. We were engaged in front of the people. But we were two separate individuals to each other with different needs in life. One small incident  had changed our lives with span of minutes. We had two weeks left for our wedding. I hoped that day never came.

(To be continued)

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