
Sunday 5 January 2014

Consensual-Part 12

Marriage binds two persons together. But would it bind us together was big question. To bind two persons, they need to be in love. I was very much in love with him though he hated me.

As I was carried by my uncles to the mantap, I had serious intentions to run away. But those intentions disappeared as my heart was accepting the fate. The rituals began. I stood facing him though I couldn’t see him due to the white cloth that shielded him from my prying eyes. I wanted to see him. I wanted to know what he was going although I knew that he wanted to kill me for the sufferings.

The priest was vomiting out the sacred mantras that he had mugged up for twenty five years. I was engrossed in our thoughts and hardly understood what he spoke. My cousins standing behind me were discussing their plans to how to not make my groom put the garland first on me. It didn’t seem amusing to me. I didn’t care if he put it first. The only thing that concerned me right now was his feelings.

The shield was taken off between us. I could see him clearly at last! I was not happy at the sight. His eyes were red and intoxicated due to lack of sleep and alcohol. His hair was undone and he looked shabby and tired. It looked like as if he had rough night. It made me disgusted.

Who comes intoxicated at their wedding? I know he had been through a lot lately. I also blame myself for his plight. But this! I was so angry at him. I didn’t care what people thought about me. But it would hurt me if they spoke any ill about him or my family.

My cousins lifted me and we won the competition of ‘ who will put the garland first?’ It was obvious that bride team would win as it was impossible to lift an intoxicated person.

The rituals went on and we did as we were told. The wedding ceremony was ending with him inebriatedly tying the sacred necklace to me. I had officially become his wife.

( To be continued)

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