
Sunday 12 January 2014

Consensual - part 17

As decided father in law filed a case against the greedy in laws of Reena. Reena was at last in peace. Though she felt the pinch of misery now and then about her broken marriage, I had never seen so relaxed and free of negative emotions. I was happy for her.

An hour was left for the day to end. But it wasn't over for us. Reena and I were chatting about the interesting events of our childhood. The days when we were so carefree and innocent are always so amusing to discuss. We laughed at some of our innocent mistakes.

The time was so slow and relaxing. We were enacting some of our favorite as well as annoying relatives. Everything seemed so perfect. After a long time I was having fun.

Happiness has always been short term for me. When everything is so calm, there is a sign of something bad would follow. And that's what happened! My darling husband, praveen appeared like a storm from nowhere.

He wasn't in good condition as usual. He was in his inebriated state. I looked at the time. It was early than the time he came. " Hey wifey! I bought my friends home. We are having a party. So I want you to prepare something good.", he said in his not so fluent speech due to alcohol. The strong smell of whiskey from his mouth had travelled towards me, making me distance myself away from him.

"It is already late and I am tired. Why don't you prepare it yourself? ", I protested. It was the first time I had ever argued with him.He got furious and shocked at my retaliation. "Do what I say!" , he growled at me. "She will not do it! Go and do it yourself!", Reena argued. He was surprised at his sister supporting me and stomped out of the room without saying much.

(To be continued)

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