
Tuesday 18 February 2014

Love and heartbreaks - part 8

Ali was short with curly hair. His features were strongly crafted by God. Unfortunately he had forgotten to extend Ali length wise. Anyway, best things came in small packets. He was good dancer as well a brilliant teacher.

Mohit was not happy with this settlement. Though he had learnt many steps but he wasn't happy. He tried to meet her someway after class. But she would leave before him. He also tried to meet her during breaks and sometimes he would check what time she was free.

Alas! He would always find her with her students. He knew she was doing it on purpose. One fine day he was talking to one of listeners. It was same old issue. Girl likes the boy but she is too shy to tell her feelings to the boy and every time she meets her love, she develops cold shivers or something crops up.

As he solved her query, an idea struck him. What if she ignored him, he would find some way to get to her. Smart! He praised himself for his spontaneous ideas. He ended his show by concluding, " Guys, don't give up on love. If your love is true, you will find a way to get to it. So don't stop loving. Don't stop waiting or hoping. So turn up the volume to highest volume as I am going to play Ushers- dis gotta us falling in love with us again. "

The classes were on the weekend. And he couldn't wait for it to arrive. It was Saturday morning. He followed the steps Ali showed with unintrested enthusiasm. He didn't care about Ali's constant nagging him for the mistakes he did.

At last class ended. Mohit ran out of class like an overexcited kid. He was about to ask the recieptionist about her when he saw her coming across. It was like as if he had found the treasure of his life. "Hi! I need to talk to you alone!", he said. She looked at him with extreme curiosity.

(To be continued)

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