
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Swizz Cheese - Part 5

The sun had risen and I did not want to be late, it was Wednesday and that meant two hours of Economics.
I rushed to class and sat in the 2nd row. Nammi was surprised. She came up to the front and sat with me.
“Why are we sitting here”? She asked placing her books on the table.
“I don’t know. I just felt like it”. I said looking at the green board
“Okaaaaayyy!!”, She replied busy texting someone.
The bell rang and  he entered just in time.
“Good morning class”, he said with a beautiful smile. He looked so amazing
Two hours went by so soon, but the rest of the day went  really slow. The day ended. I went to his cabin to enquire about the program in Switzerland.
I knocked on his cabin door.
“Come in”, his voice echoed in my heart than in my ears. I went in.
“Hi, I wanted to talk about that marketing program”, I asked sitting on one of the chairs opposite him.
“Oh yes,  I am glad you came” he said, placing a file on the desk.
He went on about the program and it seemed very interesting. But what interested me more was the fact that I can be closer to him.
“So if you are able to keep up the grades, I’ll surely put in a good word with the dean”, he said, smiling with  high hopes.
I agreed and for two months I strived. I worked really hard.  During the course of those two months I grew closer to him.
There were just few days for the marketing exam. I was having a nervous breakdown. I definitely needed a break. I wore a pair of blue shorts and a white T. I grabbed my bag  and  headed to Daniel’s house. I reached at  8:00pm.I rang the doorbell. No one answered. I rang again and finally he opened.
“Hey, Irene, come in, what brings you here? “, he said sitting on the sofa.
I sat on the sofa opposite him, “I think too much studying has made me a nut case. I’m not able to understand this one theory  which is like the most important” I said
“ Come here, let me have a look”, he said
I sat next to him. He was going through the book silently. His concentration seemed so alluring, I felt butterflies tickling inside my tummy while I watched him.

(To be continued)

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