
Thursday 20 March 2014

Death by love - Part 10

The weather was hot and humid. The cold winds blew the sand from one part of the land to the other part of land. The blanket of clouds prevented the sun rays to trespass. The light thunderstorms hinted the sign of rain. This was unusual occurance.

Aahhotep looked at the sky from the balcony of her master bedroom. Thunderstorm, large black clouds, cold wind and sprinkles of rain drops was a blessing from God. Or maybe it was a warning of bad omen approaching? Whatever it was , she hoped nothing bad happened.

" Oh queen! There are guards expecting you in the royal court with the prisoner.", the servant said , distracting her from thoughts in her mind. She dismissed him , promising him that she would come within few minutes.

She dressed like a king. She walked towards the royal court like a king . She sat on the throne as she was expected to do. It had become a routine for over ten years. She addressed the issues before she instructed her guards to bring the prisoner. She could barely recognise him but something in him reminded her that he was her lost love.

She had never expected that he would be bought alive. However she desired to see him again in living form. She had many questions in her heart that she wanted answers for. She wanted to not believe in this . But she had to believe what was there before her.

Bakaa had lost a lot of weight. He looked lean and older for his age. His charm was lost. He had prominent wrinkles over his mouth. He barely could stand. He was unrecognisable for even his love. But his greys eyes had made her fall in love with him all over again.

(To be continued)

P.S. The story is a fiction. The characters and places appearing in the story are also fictional

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