
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Death by Love- Part 4

Love can even bring the angels hidden in the sky down. Love bought Aahhotep, the female pharaoh, to her beloved. She wanted to stay forever in his arms. But the time and situation didn’t permit so. She got out of the embrace and looked at his sharp grey eyes. At once she became obvilious of everything around her except him.

“ Aahhotep! I wish the same things as you do. But not at the cost of the country. The country needs you. I can wait.”, he said. “ Wait! What do you mean you will wait? How dare you say that?”, she argued. “ Why are you not understanding? You are not supposed to think about me. You are no longer a princess. You are the protector of this mighty land. Don’t forget that!”, he said softly. She wished that she didn’t hear those words.

“ Don’t say that! I never wanted to be the protector of..”, she tried to protest,but he cut her off in between. He held her face in his hands and said, “ It’s not about want, your majesty. You were chosen by your father and you have to do what you are obligated to do. Marry the prince!”, he said. She pushed him away from her and walked away in anger and disappointment.

The marriage happened within days after the announcement. The celebration was grand and was attended by many from different parts of world as well as the public. However the bride wasn’t glowing with happiness though she looked beautiful in her plain white dress. She was decorated with gold and silver jewellery. She indeed looked stunning.

Her groom Eermenihotep was her aunt’s ( Aahhotep’s father’s sister) son. He had disliked her since the childhood. Now he had made her his wife which added fire to his emotions called as hatred. As per the law of the land, royal could marry his half sister or cousin. Thus his principal wife was his half sister and his second wife was going to be his cousin - Aahhotep. Eermenihotep didn’t have charms of the prince. He looked ordinary with egg shaped forehead, long nose and thin lips. His sharp brain hid his physical weakness.

He looked at his new wife. She had changed a lot. She had turned into beautiful swan after all. But that wouldn’t change his feelings for her. He still remembered the day when she humiliated him in front of other children at his physicality. She had called him alien with egg shaped head. Well ! that was not enough. He had long list of reasons for his feelings towards him. He had waited for this day when he would treat her the same way as she had treated him.

( To be continued)

P.S. The story is a fiction. The characters and places appearing in the story are also fictional.

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