
Thursday 27 March 2014

I will wait - part 1

This night was fresh like our first night. The full moon was glowing in clear sky. The stars were gleaming dots , making the night more romantic. I was ecstatic for this night past one month. I had planned everything from the colour of flowers to the tablecloth of the dining table. I had made sure that everything about night was special and everlasting.

It was the fourth year of our blessed union. I had given my heart from the day our bethroal was announced. It wasn't long after our engagement that our proposed marriage took place and I became official Mrs.Taani Kapoor a.k.a Mrs Vivian Kapoor.

Vivian.. The name that still makes my heart skip a beat. I was and still will be truly, deeply and madly in love with him. Every moment spent with him was like heaven to me. I took note of small things that made him smile.

Smile! I hardly saw him smile. He wasn't really expressive type unlike me. He was more focused with work and life. But that's okay. Opposite poles attract, they say.

It didn't matter to me if he forgot my birthday or any special occasion that mattered a lot to me. Men never give importance to dates like we women do. This was fine and normal. Though it would affect me inside but I didn't want him to complain that I was nagging.

I wanted to be perfect wife to him. I wanted to be with him at all times as promised during marriage. His happiness was more important than mine. If it takes a lot to get into his heart, I don't mind. But why was it becoming more tiring after four years?

(To be continued)

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