
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Apple of your eye-Part 9

His huge eyes told everything. He was going to tear her apart. Mercy and sympathy were words unknown to me. Every localite was a terrorist to him irrespective of  their nil involvement in any inhuman activities. He smirked and then he spoke, “ You! Are you trying to get away just like that?”

She stared at him with no words coming out of her mouth. What was she supposed to reply back?   Enough was enough ! She had to retaliate back, “ Yes! I am not the only one who is leaving the area. My friends will leave with me and you won’t question me.” Her words poked him like bee’s sting. “ How dare you speak to me like this?  Do you have any idea whom you are talking to, young lady ?” , he growled at her.  “ Then you have no idea whom you are talking to ? I am Mohi-ud-deen’s niece.”, she gave him back.

He had always witnessed weak begging calls from the localities like her. But never ever had he witnessed anyone giving him back. “ Arrest these girls”, he ordered one of his juniors. They followed his orders without questioning. Alas! Their fun filled picnic turned out to be sour and they ended up at the jail.

News of their arrest spread like wild fire. Mohi-ud -deen rushed to see his niece. Although he got her bailed, he didn’t speak to her throughout the journey. On the other hand, she felt guilty of actions that she should have been proud. When they reached home, she knelt down before her uncle asking for forgiveness. “ I always wished for your safety, child. What you did by lying to your parents about the trip was far more wrong in your part? Because of this, I can’t show my face to anyone. Anyway what is done cannot be changed. From now on, you will not go to school and help your mother with household work.”, he said cold and firm as usual.

Her world came crashing down in few seconds. Her dreams disappeared in thin air. Her hard work over past years seemed like waste.  She had never questioned her uncle’s decision and even when he had broken her dreams, she didn’t question him either. She accepted it as her punishment.

She did all the household without complain. Her contact with outside world had become nil. She still felt guilty and wished that she hadn’t gone to the woods. But as her uncle had said . nothing could be changed now. She would look out the window when she was free. Outside world looked like wonderful dream which she couldn’t achieve.

( To be continued)

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