
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Red roses - Part 17

He grabbed it from her soft hands and let her in. As she walked in, she bought  inside the memories of his friends with her. His carefree smile and happy go attitude would bring the people together. 

She made herself comfortable on the couch that had become a stand for keeping clothes. " Can I get you something?", he asked politely , hiding the surprise he had about her coming. She looked at him with a blank face.

" Sigh! I am.. sorry for what I said yesterday. I was hurt by his loss. It was unexpected. It was like he had come yesterday and now he's not there. Why does this happen to me? Why do I lose the people I love ?", she said in verge of crying. Her eyes were almost wet. 

He walked towards her and knelt down while he held her face. " No ! Don't say that! I am there for you. And he is not lost . He is very much there with us. You only have to feel him.", he said , consoling her and his pain. 

She gave a weak smile. He was right! Rajeev was there in every possible way. He was in the air they breathe, the rays of light and even the blue sky. She hugged Arjun. Arjun felt awkward but he didn't let her know his awkwardness and she needed his support now. 

Days passed and it took lot of time for the heart to heal. The funeral was painful to everyone who loved Rajeev. His death became a thing in past with the reason of his murder.  But Arjun still didn't sleep peacefully. He had to know why he died. 

( To be continued)


  1. Hi Akshata,

    I am following your blog via Indiblogger for sometime. I can feel your passion for writing, especially story. You convey emotions exceptionally well.

    I take this opportunity to invite you to author a story for our book, which we will be published soon. The theme you can choose anything of your choice.

    Blank Space - Filled with Inspiration, which will be an anthology of 100 short stories from 100 writers around the globe. We would love to have you as a part of this book and your story can inspire many.

    Please let me know you interest. I kindly request you to consider and support. Even you can suggest your previously published posts also as entries.


    1. Hi this is akshata! I would definitely accept the invite to write a story. Please let me know when can I send in the entry and what is the word limit.

