
Monday 11 August 2014

Red Roses - Part 29b

People called me names. Black widow was popular one. I didn't care. Mostly women preferred to call me that. They were jealous.. more precisely insecure or I could say they didn't trust their men. Infidelity was a taboo those days unlike what it is now. People still believed in true love and family.

The story of murder of my late husband was disappearing in thin air. That's what I assumed. But detective Charlie didn't want it the story to end. He was sniffing the evidences. I had to do something soon before he finds out truth. At last I found my way.

Hope never dies. It is glowing within you and it depends on you..solely you. I never lost hope. Maybe that was gift within me. I saw him at the ball organized by Countess on the eve of New Year. I was dressed in black lace gown. I wasnt 't the only pretty girl in the ball but his gaze made me special. His mysterious eyes drew me towards him.

As the main dance started, he whisked me into the crowd. I didn't realize the close proximity between us. He had taken my hands in his hands and waltzed me through the crowd. I followed his footstep. Everyone stopped dancing and looked at us. We were oblivious of the people's judging gaze. The only thing that affected us was the soft music playing and the dance.

When the music ended, so did the dance. We separated. I was back to my group of friends and he was back to his social group. "Who is that noble man?", I asked one of my friend. My friend, Lizzie was amazed at the question I asked. "He is a relative of Countess. There is petty rumor running down the mills that he is having secret affair with the Dutchess of a small province.", she whispered carefully into my ears.

I stared at him one last time before I made my way out to home. I was tired and had long way to go. While I was walking down the street at the wee hours during the night, I felt a presence following behind me. I didn't turn. I walked quickly. But it didn't seem to stop. I had heard about the rumors of infamous Jack the ripper. My life was too precious for me and I didn't want it to end too soon.

( To be continued)

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