
Thursday 27 November 2014

Solitary Love- Part 10

Why? One moment she said she loved him. The other moment she pushed him away. Was he just a toy to play with?  He had mixed bag of emotions flowing inside his heart. He was confused as well as angry.

Why did she show him dreams when all she wanted was to push him anyway? She took him to highest levels of heavenly pleasures and pushed him down. Why? Was this one of the methods of English to bring Indians down?, he wondered.

He had to confront her. He had to know the truth. He was searching for the right moment. He followed her everywhere. But the right moment was yet to come.

One fine day,the moment had come. He grabbed her hand in front of many people. He didn't care of anyone talking behind their backs or sharing their secret to Wilmington . "Tell him that you love me. Why are u doing this to me?

She didn't understand what he said. He looked like a mad man to her. Her conscience scolded her for betraying him. She pushed him back and said, "It's a mistake! Go away!" Willington was quickly given this piece of information. He couldn't take this and thrashed him bad that very night.

He was in pain and so was she. She tossed on the bed the whole night while thinking about him. She had to meet him and see if he was fine. She had to tell him to stay away from her.

(To be continued)

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