
Tuesday 4 November 2014

This shit called Love- Part 18

It was too hard for me to get out of this stage. Love was pain. It's easy to fall but it takes lot of courage and time for you to fall out of love. I had tried to get away from him but eventually I would end up calling him zillion times while he never responded to any of calls. I would send personal messages to him waiting for days for his reply.

He never replied or tried to visit me. I lost hopes of waiting for him until I got bored of being confined in my four walled prison cum fortress. I had start a new lease of life rather than waste my time on a person who didn't care about me.

I tried to infuse myself with people who I had not spoken to. But I felt like a zombie in land of humans. Sometimes I would walk towards his place to get a glimpse of what he was upto. But I couldn't stay for single minute. I would feel the rush of emotions tear me whenever I thought about him.

I had to do something productive to alleviate the pain. I  saw an envelope sitting on the table. I had received a request to participate in elite designer show where the winners would get scholarship for fashion designer course. The envelope remained on my study table for days.

I looked at it one more time after so many weeks. The show was next month. I sat down with the designs I had hidden in my creative minds.

Later I sent it to them, waiting for their response. They didn't reply. As  usual it was my crappy luck or maybe I hadn't  seen deadline. I fell into my old self of zombiness.

(To be continued)

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