
Sunday 19 May 2013

Before it started-part 2

What was this feeling? It didn’t let her sleep, eat or do anything. Was this ‘love at first sight’? Who was this guy who had stolen her heart at their first meeting?  She didn’t know him except his name and family. How could she fall for a stranger? Love was spontaneous. It could happen anytime and with anyone.

Though her house was next to his, but it felt like as if he was miles away from her. She would wait for moments when she could have a glimpse of him. She was no longer interested in college. She would scribble his and her name in her notes during classes.  She wanted to be close to him. However, she would avoid him and run away whenever she had opportunity to talk to him. “Why do you run away from him? He must be thinking I am some kind of weird person.”, she would scold herself. 

Finally she spoke to him. She was walking home from her choir practice. She stopped when she heard her name being called. She turned to see him walking towards her. “Hi! Can I come along with you?” he said. That day she was really elated. She had entered into first stage of love- making friends with him. Their coincidence greetings became more and they became best of best friends after few months. But she never expressed feelings to him as she thought it wouldn’t sound right for her to propose him. Nevertheless she believed that one day he would propose her.  

Her dream was at last coming true when he asked her to meet him during the night. The stars were shining bright on the sky.  The creamy moon hid past the clouds. Cool breeze blew across her soft baby face. She was glowing with happiness for tonight was the night; her dream was going to be fulfilled.  All kind of thoughts were circling on her mind- What is he going to say?  Is he going to say that he feels the same way as she does?  What should she say?  She was both excited and scared. Her heartbeat accelerated with passing of every minute.  “It’s okay, Rose. You are going be fine. You have waited so long for this moment. Just few more minutes of patience and calmness! Breathe in and Breathe out.” she calmed herself down.  

“Rose, sorry for keeping you so long”, he said.  She was staggered by his presence.  “Ah! Hmm!!!  It’s okay. “, she said, thinking of what to say. Her body was shivering of nervousness. “Why am I so nervous?  This is what I always wanted. I shouldn’t have come. Jeez! What is happening to me?” she wondered.  She calmed herself down and looked into his eyes. “Huh! Why did you call me here?, she asked with folded arms to cover her nervousness . 

“I wanted to tell you something .I don’t know how to start” he said with a tensed smile. This added a new layer of excitement in her heart. She couldn’t wait to hear those three special words. There was a long pause and then he began “I am in love, Rose. I am in love with Nadia. “  .  She couldn’t believe her eyes. What is he saying? He loves some other girl, not her. Boom!! Her dreams came crashing and her heart was broken into pieces.

(To be continued)

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