
Monday 20 May 2013

Before it started-part 3

That night remained a scar in her mind. Why did it have to end like this? Her story had just started. The worst part was that she couldn’t forget him and the feelings related to him. She would cry every night. 

She tried to avoid him every possible way. But things never happen the way you want it to happen, right! She would meet him somehow. His chirpy voice, sweet smile and those beautiful eyes would hurt her heart so badly. She would control her tears and bring a bright smile on her face when she was with him.

The unknown ‘Nadia’ became the villain of her story. Nadia was this …Nadia was that-he would never stop talking about her. He was totally awe of her. Everything she did or said was really special to him. Rose wondered what Nadia had that she didn’t have. Beauty..she was more beautiful than Nadia or intelligence..she was way smarter than Nadia. 

She wondered, “How I wish I could change everything and make him fall in love with me. No!! It’s selfish!!” She wanted to touch him, hug him and never let him go. Her life was standstill. All colour in her life had evaporated. There was no fun in her life. She had become a detached person-invisible to everyone around her.

As usual she was walking with deeps thoughts taunting her. She didn’t realize that she had a company. She looked at her side and greeted him with fake smile.  “ Huh! Too many thoughts, I guess. I have never seen any person so engrossed in their thoughts. College problem?”  She nodded. “I hope it gets soughted. Are you free tomorrow? Anyway, I wanted to introduce Nadia to you. You know she always wanted to meet you.”, he said
Oh no! The nightmare! She didn’t want to meet Nadia. She was thinking ideas of avoiding meeting and unfortunately blurted out ‘Yes’. She hated herself for this. She wanted to slap herself. However, she changed her mind after seeing his smiling grey-green eyes.

 It was a sunny day, quite contrary to the views of the weather forecast. Rose was waiting nearly one and half hour. She was losing patience and was about leave. At last they arrived. They were holding hands and looked inseparable.  “Sorry Rose, for keeping you waiting..”, Nadia didn’t complete her sentence and was soon interrupted by him. “Come on Nadia!! You took two hours to get ready! Rose had to wait because of you. Rose, seriously, you need to teach her some lessons on punctuality.” “Stop it, Dan! You are so awful. She understands my plight. You know how important is it for ladies to get ready, Rose.” , Nadia said. Rose gave her one of the usual fake smile. 

It pained her heart to see her love being so happy with someone else. She wished that she could take Nadia’s place. Unfortunately, that was not possible.

(To be continued)

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