
Saturday 22 June 2013

How to impress my sister in 10 days.-part 3d

Day 5- He was waiting for me for the first time. His face was dull and hopeless. “I don’ t think this is working. She’s doesn’t even look at me..forget about speaking to me. I guess we need to stop this.” , he said, sounding miserable. He did love her. I could see that in his eyes. Why does it pain so bad when you see someone else in the eyes of person you love? 

 “ Don’t lose hope! If your love is true, she will surely understand that. But we have to keep trying. She will see how much you love her. Don’t give up.” I consoled him.  Now what should I do? I had a miserable lover standing and crying next to me and a disinterested sister (whom he loves so much) in the other side.
All of a sudden, my cell started ringing. God! I didn’t want another disaster to fall upon us. I prepared myself for the worse that was coming-my mum’s usual overprotective dialogues-‘Where are you? Do you know what time it is?” 

I picked up call and was relieved that it was not my mum. It was my sister. She was crying. Ah! She fought with her boyfriend again. I hated her boyfriend. How dare he hurt my baby sister? I would have killed him if he was here. He never deserved her. What did she see in that guy? He was quite snobbish and proud.
“What happened? You look worried.” , he said. I had forgotten about my sister’s secret admirer. “Nothing. My sister is coming here.” I said.  “Nishi is coming here. Wow!” he said animatedly. His eyes shined at the sound of her name. 

Day-6 – I didn’t notice the time. It was midnight and the beginning of the sixth day.  We were at our place. There was a pin drop silence in my room. The only sound was my sister’s sobs. I was tired of consoling her. I looked at him for help. “ Hey, tears don’t suit you. Did anyone tell you that you have gorgeous smile?” he said. My sister looked at him annoyingly. What the hell was he saying? He is surely going to bring himself down in her eyes. 

“Fight happens in all types of relationship. But it shouldn’t deter you. Don’t make it a reason to break your relationship.  Learn to forgive and accept.”, he said and gave my sister a tight hug. I was surprised to see this side of him. I discovered that beneath his ‘careless attitude’ persona was this matured guy. I was really proud of him. He had made my sister smile. This was the man who could keep my  sister happy.

(To be continued)

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