
Saturday 22 June 2013

How to impress my sister in 10 days.-part 3e

Day-7- There were three days left. The spark still didn’t fly between them. They did become quite good friends. He tried to make her day nice. He took her to back to back movies. She was having her time. On the other side I was feeling jealous and insecure. I should be happy for both of them. Then why was I feeling negative? 

Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what we really want. I spent the whole day regretting for not going with them. It was my idea that they spent time alone. He had asked million times to escort them. But I refused to do. 

Day-8 –I hadn’t slept the whole night. I had covered my sleep ridden eyes with black shades.  He was talking about how they had spent the day and how much fun they had. Though I badly wanted to hear what he was saying, but sleep disabled all my senses. I didn’t realize when I slept. 

“Arooshi ..Arooshi …Aroooshi!” he called my name and nudged me. I woke up suddenly with throbbing pain in my head. “What happened? ” I shrieked. “You were sleeping. Was I boring? I am sorry I was too excited to tell you.”, he said. “ No.. No..I am really sleep deprived right now…I am sorry” I said with a big yawn. “I think you need to sleep. I will drop you home.” ,  he said. As I reached home, I straight away headed towards the bed. 

I got up with guilty feeling over what I did to him this afternoon. I was dialing his number a zillionth time. It was engaged. “Why are you doing this?” Nishi asked. She was standing at the door of my bedroom. “What?” I asked. “You know what I am saying. You are not cupid. Stop trying to fix a match between him and me. I don’t love him and you know I love Akash (Nishi’s boyfriend) very much. Trust me, Akash is a good guy. He keeps me happy….I hope you would understand. ”, she said.  I wanted to tell her how much he loves her. But I was tongue tight. 

Day-9- After yesterday’s episode, I was in dilemma. Should I tell him the truth? I had to. This was going nowhere. What was I going to tell him? I had to see him. I rushed to our usual ‘adda’-the café. I saw him sitting there. He was happy and excited. Why was he punctual nowadays?  It’s an irony that I used to hate his non punctual ways. Now I hated this –he coming early- I had no time to think about what I was going to tell him. 

“So tomorrow is the D day. I just spoke to her and as you told me, I didn’t tell her anything. You have no idea how jittery I am feeling right now. Can you come with me tomorrow? I want someone to support me.” , he said.

I had no courage to tell him the truth. How could I just break his heart? I left without telling him. As I was leaving, I caught a glimpse of him. He looked confused.
He called me many times and I didn’t pick up. I sent him good luck message. I knew he was going to be heart broken. But I felt culpable of not telling him the truth. 

(To be continued)

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