
Sunday 20 October 2013

Russian roulette-part 2

He was cold and dangerous. He wore suaveness under his sleeve. But that slickness only suited his exterior personality. His cruelty and evil nature hid unctuous in him. No one ever wished to awaken the evil. His eyes showed no remorse for what he was going to do next. He was known as Shady Zhane.

He was pointing the revolver at her. Her eyes were wide open with fear. She pleaded him for her life. However Shady was not in mood for any mercy.
                                     ******** Before Twenty years*****

It was hazy day. This was normal in Eastern part of Russia. But the day wasn’t going to be normal for Putin Avilov. His five year old daughter Inna was busy drawing her imagination on a scrapbook. He had set dinner table. He was about to call his daughter for the supper when group of large men barged into the door. He was surprised with their presence. “ Your time is up, Dolboeb!” one of bulky men swore. “You can’t do this!  Vetrov promised me that he would give time. I paid him half and I will pay the other half to you in week’s time.”, he said in his native language. 

Inna looked clueless at this commotion. She had never seen her dad so tensed since her mother’s death. Her mother had died due to incurable disease. Her dad had taken huge debt from the Mafia lord -  Boris Vetrov. The medicine didn’t bring back her mother and now the debt was going take her dad. She was so little but quite mature for her age to understand that something was wrong.

“ You have no idea what you have gotten into. Take the child, Viktor.”, the burly man said. Putin rushed toward his child while Viktor pulled her hand. Inna cried due to pain. Her father lost the fight against the bad men.  “My child has got nothing to do with all this. Leave her alone! She is only one I have. Don’t take her.”, he cried. But they simply ignored him. It was last day she saw her dad and she couldn’t even say a proper goodbye.

She was bought to Boris. Boris took one glance and said, “She will be a golden egg to me when she grows. Take her to Angel. She will groom her well.”  They took her to Angel who had prepared girls like Inna to serve men’s desire. Inna sobbed continuously as men left her in care of Angel. “ Darling, you will get used to this life..and it isn’t bad until you embrace it.”, Angel said. Her voice sounded sweet and motherly unlike her seductive looks.  Inna didn’t understand her words then. Her innocent heart melted when she was hugged by Angel. It had been long time since any women except her mother hugged her with love.

(To be continued)   

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