
Monday 21 October 2013

Russian roulette-part 3

It wasn’t easy for Inna to adopt to this new lifestyle. It was horrifying for the five year old to witness girls who were years older than her being abused brutally. As time passed, these nightmares became part and parcel of her life. She knew what was stored in her future. She didn’t want to grow up to witness such torturous life.

Eight years passed by like months. She was no longer the innocent toddler. Her beauty had enhanced with every growing years. Her beautiful red hair had grown long and smooth. Her skin was pale yet soft. Her beauty was slowly becoming a curse and she knew the fact.

It was her thirteen birthday- the day she wouldn’t forget.  Angel was teaching the girls some dance moves. The girls followed her like robot with few glitches.  Suddenly Boris men arrived. The girl’s heart jumped with fright. They knew the purpose of the men’s visit. Today was the day where few girls would be handpicked for Boris’s trade.

“ Aren’t you guys early for the selection? It was supposed to be next month. These girls aren’t ready. They are raw.”, Angel said. “Raw… ( loud laugh) We need raw. Boris is going to make millions today and he hates waiting. Send the girls.” Viktor said. Angel wasn’t ready for the fight. She controlled her temper when she heard this. She lowered her tone and said, “ See.. The clients would be disappointed if you take them. 
Give me a month’s time. I promise they would be better.” “ Shut up, women! You don’t decide what time is fine. Boris does.” , he snapped. “ These girls are mine and no one can take them without my approval.”, she argued.  In frustration, Viktor took his revolver and shot her at point blank. The girls screamed at the sight of their dear guardian.

Boris was at the place within minutes after news reached. “ What did you do, Eblan!! I told you to not to use your weapon. She was my precious asset.” Boris scolded him. “ Sorry mactep! She was not listening to us. I didn’t know what else to do.”Viktor whispered in fear. “ Take this man away and bury him alive. Anton, bring the girls here.” , he ordered.  Viktor pleaded for his life. But Boris was man of his words.  

Anton bought the girls and made them stand in line. Boris carefully looked at the girls and called the ones he liked by the colour of their dress. While he handpicked the girls, he looked at Inna. After deep thought, he chose her. The girls didn’t respond as they were pushed into a small delivery truck. They were bought to a mansion where the sins took place afterhours. It was a place where rich men spent money for hours of pleasure. The girls were decorated in order to make them look mature for their age.

Inna’s heart was beating loud with every passing hour. She wished that a shiny armor clad man would take her away. However it was useless to hope and she knew that. Her turn had come and she was taken to a room where a fat man waited for her. He had his back turned towards her. She looked at the room. It was large room with red lights. There was a round shaped bed on the center. As the man turned towards her, she was stunned. It was Boris. He was the same guy who had ordered to get her abducted when she was child. 
He was the same guy who had handpicked her so that he could use her body for his pleasure.

(To be continued)

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