
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Russian roulette-part 5

She had one good look at the man who stole her heart. He had strong features-  dangerous cat eyes, pointed nose,  broad shoulders and proud chin. But the scar at top of his right eye gave a notorious edge to him. Who was he? She tried to nudge that question out of her head. But he was very charming man. Thus she found herself drawn towards him and didn’t realize the calm atmosphere before any havoc.

Suddenly he took out his .22 pistol out of nowhere and pointed towards Boris. No one noticed the two shots hit from his pistol. It was only when the mafia lord fell to the ground that got everyone’s attention. His men searched everywhere for the shooter. But they didn’t suspect the man who had stole the heart of their mafia’s mistress.

Inna didn’t feel remorse for the death of her caretaker. She left his body in care of his well wishers. She ran towards the man of his dreams. Where did he go?  She smiled secretly though she was disappointed that she couldn’t meet. She wondered, “ So there are knights in dark horse in this part of world too! Great!”
Now that Boris had gone. His empire was taken over by a newcomer called Shady Zhane-she hadn’t heard of. Thus she was free.. free to do as she pleased.  She decided to visit her hometown. With help from few of her friends, she reached her home to find her dad.

She reached a ghost town that she called her home once upon a time. It was normal place until a nuclear leakage from a nearby factory caused loss of life. The town had few dwellers still making livelihood from lost town. She found her home amongst the empty house. Her house was empty too like the others. She asked one of passerby about the owner of the house. The passerby narrated an emotional story of a father who lost his mind when his child was gone. Later he committed suicide by hanging himself. Inna couldn’t control her emotions and sobbed hysterically when she was alone. She bought out all the emotions that she had within herself.

She returned back with lost hope. She was clueless about what she wanted to do. Since she was no longer Boris’s property, many men tried to buy her. But she refused all of them.
She was with one of her friends who were girls of Boris like her. She shared her problem with them and everyone directed her to Shady Zhane. “ Who is Shady Zhane? Why would he help me ? I was his enemy’s mistress.”, she asked. “ Because you are his enemy’s mistress.” , they replied.

Her friend took her to Shady Zhane’s den ( Boris’s mansion). The familiar place that reminded her of Boris had gone. Every place was owned by Zhane now. In the large room , he was chatting with one of his associates. When her friend introduced her to him, similar chill ran over her spine. She blushed and became numb. She could only feel her heart beat as their eyes met for the first time.

(To be continued) 

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