
Thursday 24 October 2013

Russian roulette-part 6

Shady Zhane had met many beautiful women and even bed them too. But Boris’s young mistress had left him speechless. How could he overlook her at the party? But if he had got distracted, he wouldn’t have executed Boris.

He had heard angels come down to earth. But now he witnessed it too.  She was barely sixteen. She looked naïve to be Boris’s girl. However he never trusted any girl who entered flesh trade. These girls would use love as means to trap poor men like him to get away from the business. But he was clever enough to not fall for any such sweet feelings.

“ So can you dance?” , he asked snobbishly.  “ Shady… She has no experience in dancing. But she is a fast learner.”, her friend said. “ Ah! No experience. But I heard you were Boris’s favorite toy. Astonishing!  Dancing is very important in our trade. If you don’t know how to dance, then what use do you have for me?” he said . “ But…”her friend defended her. “ Nina!! Doesn’t she have a tongue?” he chided her friend. Inna had remained silent for a long time.  She wanted the job badly to recover her financial strains. Boris bought her gifts and also let her stay with him. But he never paid her in monetary kind.

“ I can dance.” , she broke the silence at last. “ Show me then! “ , he asked and ordered his henchmen to put music.  The music played- an English pop song.  She stood numb. He made himself comfortable on his couch. Nina encouraged her to dance. His henchmen smiled secretly at girl’s incapability. Images of Angel teaching her dance for the first time replayed in her mind. She had told her once about the three magic steps – feel the music, embrace it within your heart and drive people mad that they come again and again to see you.  ‘ Make them here come again and again” were Angel’s last piece of advice.

She closed her eyes and felt the music. As the she swayed to the music, she embraced it. In the end she gave a spectacular performance. It was wild yet sensuous. Her body moved to every beat of the song. She didn’t understand the language except the beats.

He got up from his seat and walked towards her. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately. His tongue forced into her mouth as he explored every bit of her. He didn’t care how she felt. He knew that she enjoyed it. He didn’t care about anyone in the room. Everyone was puzzled as it was not usual sight to see Shady to kiss a girl all of a sudden. He was a man of few words- the inexpressive type.

He tasted good and different. His breath was fresh and minty. It had left her with desire for more. When he was done, her lips were swollen red. Her pony tail hair was open loose now.

“ You will start from tomorrow.”, he said and left her with wondering about him. He was different from the guy who kissed her. That guy was warm and affectionate. Was he always snobbish?

(To be continued)    

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