
Monday 23 December 2013

Consensual-part 6

It was new years eve. I didn’t want to be a part of any celebrations. I wanted to be left alone. But as always I never got chance to voice my desire. I had to come. I was perfect daughter in eyes of my parents.

I sulked the whole time. I made myself invisible amongst the known crowd. I didn’t feel like mingling with people. I felt so small. I couldn’t even leave even if I wanted to. I sat alone looking at people enjoying their time. They were dancing , singing, chatting and playing. Everyone were enjoying except me. Few of them called me to join in, but I wasn’t feeling good. I dismissed their offer politely.

My heart still was beating for him. My eyes searched for him even after he broke my heart so easily. My conscious was secretly scolding me for my indiscretion towards him. How could I let my heartbreaker into my life?

I stopped my search abruptly when I found him. My heart beat increased at alarming rate with excitement. But it stopped when I saw him candidly chatting with one of my cousin, Aarti on whom I intensely loathed.  What did she have  that I didn’t. She wasn’t pretty to look at. She wasn’t articulate either. What made her so different from me? I wouldn’t call myself pretty but I was indeed smarter than her. I could differentiate between A and B unlike her. Maybe it was her sweet talk or her falling on every guy she lay eyes on. 
Whatever her trick was, I prayed Praveen didn’t fall into.

But my prayers didn’t fall into the ears of God. I saw him smiling carelessly at every stupid joke of her. Her bloody PJs! The rumours were right. She had ditched her last boyfriend because he couldn’t afford to tolerate her nonsensical behaviour. Now she was back of my sweetheart. I wish he could see her tricks clearly.

I wanted to barge into their conversation and pull him out. But I couldn’t. Why would he listen to me? I was a kid in his eyes. Oh! How innocent his smile was? It would bring some light in his sea blue eyes. I wish he did that when he was with me. He looked  his best in red tee and baggy pants. I wanted to hug him so bad. Life becomes a miserable bitch when you don’t get what you deserve.

(To be continued)