
Monday 3 March 2014

Love and Heartbreaks- Part 16

Everything seemed so perfect. They were like any other couples who were in love. They held hands wherever they walked. They would order his favorite drink - tender coconut  though she hated it, she wouldn't mind sharing the drink. He disliked chocolate fudge but he had got used to sweet chocolate flavor in his mouth.  Love was all about compromising and accepting each other’s tastes and desires. Sigh! But such love never exists for long time nowadays.

Even love was getting extinct just like the the precious sources of like - water. Love now came with an expiry date. After a year and half , their relationship seemed mundane. The honeymoon period was over. Sharing chocolate fudge and coconut water was getting boring. Holding hands every time seemed so childish and embarrassing. They were departing away.

“ Mohit, why didn't you reply back to my good morning message?  I was waiting the whole day for your reply.”, Molly asked desperately.  She had called her after her patience lost the war against desire to call him. Love made you feel desperate and weak. “ I was busy, Mo!”, he replied, while he was busy working on a script for tomorrow show. “ Busy!  You have changed a lot. Why? Am I boring to you now?”, she asked.

He felt irritation as well as frustration churning inside his mind and heart. He lost it and snapped at her, “ Yes! I am bored of you. Now can I go back to work? I don’t have to time for all your nonsense.” He cut the call and cursed loud, “ Girls!  You can never understand them !”. His colleagues who were busy with work stared at him.  She felt miserable and thus broke hysterically. She cried her heart out. Unfortunately it didn't help her to release her stress.

Cracks were slowly developing and no one was in fault for this happening. Contrary to old belief that love was enough to sustain a relationship, now we need something more to sustain it . And that was patience and trust. These two ingredients were enough to ward off the negativity in any relationship. Unfortunately, no one is so patient enough to believe or trust the other. Molly and Mohit were losing patience on each other and eventually were drifting away. The very same love that brought them together was drying.

Maybe expectations was the sole reason for the cracks in their relationship. Their expectation from each other was increasing. Molly was used to being pampered with gifts and flowers and Mohit was tired of listening to her tantrums. His constant spending time with her was reducing because of his work and her bragging. He was slowly feeling suffocated of a relationship that he desired long time. It was unbelievable that he was running away from the girl whom he was madly in love with.

( To be continued)

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