
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Love and heartbreaks- Part 17

Pathetic love! Who bought this love into world? It became annoying habit of Molly to be so dependent on Mohit. It used to be sweet but now it was becoming tiring. Who wanted to listen to other’s problems when they were burdened by their own? Mohit felt the same thing.. he was burdened by his own problems that he wasn’t in mood to listen to Molly’s.

Love is never picture perfect as described in the books or movies. Unfortunately we become fools of our own feelings based on our beliefs in these fake reality. Molly switched the channel to the boring TV talk show as soon as a romantic song was playing in her favorite channel. She didn't want to get affected by any songs or movies or books. It would replay the same events back to back. She didn't want to go back.

Why did people change? It was a question that circled around both Molly and Mohit. Both were unable to understand the reason behind such drastic changes in each other. Fighting, bickering and criticizing had replaced the lovey dovey activities they did together. They spoke ugly things to each other which they would regret later. They wouldn't even resolve issue and let new wounds build on the old ones. Their big egos was the main reason for all the anger they carried on each other.

“ I regret of coming back to him. I shouldn't have said yes.”, Molly said to her best friend Sheila. “ Why ? What happened now? Did he call you?”. Sheila asked. “ No!  He didn't call. What’s wrong with him. He wasn't like this before. He would call me every hour. He didn't even bother to give explanation of why he didn't pick my call yesterday. I have to follow him and call him. ”, Molly said softly. “ All guys are the same! They will first flirt with you and when they are done, they throw you like tissue papers. None of these guys take things seriously. You don’t worry. He is not worth crying for. Forget him!  Anyway, there is a sale in Mango. Let’s check out that place.”,  Sheila said, pouring more oil into fire. She was a typical friend who blamed all guys because of her so called bad experience with men in her life. While Molly blindly accepted her reason without even thinking on them.

Mohit had checked his phone. Her messages had taken half of his phones memories. “ Damn!! This girl is crazy. Why doesn't she leave me alone?”, he wondered. He started deleting her messages to free the space. He didn’t bother to read them. Though his heart directed him to call her , he didn't call her. “ Why should I ?”, he thought. She wouldn’t stop cribbing about how wrong he was. God! Why is that we get to know the real nature of people late? He thought of the day when he proposed her. He regretted of promising her that he will be there for her always. He shouldn't have promised. Hell! Why did girls take things seriously?

Molly swayed her body to the tunes of soft music playing from the stereo. However she wasn’t herself. She couldn't take him of her mind. She stood blank while the music played for the first time. It was a street dance competition. She had practiced all her moves so perfectly. But her mind and heart didn’t let her be in peace. She could have won the competition easily. Sadly, she lost the competition.

( To be continued)

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