
Monday 29 September 2014

This shit called Love - Part 2

My mum had dragged me with her and Mahi for shopping. And shopping with mum is horror. She would make you try every piece of cloth at the shop until she found the perfect piece. Mahi would become her Barbie doll and wear dresses mum wish to see her in while I made fuss.

" You can't wear that when you are with us.", my mum scolded. I didn't care. I was wearing loose yellow salwar kameez that made look invisible while Mahi dressed for occasion with hot red Gagra choli.

" First of all , the dress you bought me was too gaudy. I am not comfortable in those clothes. Secondly , I don't want million people staring at me like the way they stare at Mahi.", I said  annoyingly. " What's wrong with people staring at you? You are Pinky the ex Miss India's daughter.", my mum said. 

"Ma, you weren't Miss India. You were just a contestant in some god damn beauty pageant.", I said sarcastically. She didn't care about me telling those words but what mattered to her was me calling her Ma instead of mum. Before she could say anything, I decided to leave the place quietly.

I walked down the street until I stopped at the place. It was shady apartment .This place had seen my wrath as well as my soft side. I climbed the stairs to fourth floor. I stopped at the flat number- 4b. I banged the door like as if it was my house. 

After few minutes, a tall lanky boy opened the door. His hair resembled sugar candy except that it wasn't pink. He let me in like he always does. I was about to pour out my problems when I saw his sullen face.

( To be continued)

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