
Tuesday 30 September 2014

This shit called love - Part 3

His face didn't have the same chirpiness that would lit his face while he saw me. " What happened? ", I asked.  "Nothing", he replied back. "Don't say that! Did she dump you again? ", I asked angrily while I rolled up my sleeve. 

His eyes told me the truth while he tried to hide it, "Hey !! It's not like that. It was mutual decision to end our relationship. No one was happy." 

I wanted to slap him .Sometimes I wish I was tall or I wish he wasn't so tall and lanky. An idea struck me. I took the keys placed on the table. I dragged him outside. "Where are we going?", he asked. I didn't respond. We walked down the stairs until we reached the basement. 

I saw his bike parked at the usual place. I started it with all force and zeal.I tossed my dupatta to him. " Can you at least tell me know?", he asked again." Shut up and come !", I said. He didn't argue as he knew it was of no use. 

We stopped at his girlfriend..ex girlfriends house. "What! No way! I am not getting back together.", he said. " Who said that I am sending you back to her?", I replied and started collecting stones lying on the ground. He simply stood cluelessly about what I was going to do. 

 I collected tiny little pebbles and offered him some. He took some hesitatingly. I started throwing them at the neatly washed car. It was her car. After I threw it , making tiny little scratches on the car, I used the key to scratch the message - Heartless bitch! "Hey Suhani! Stop it ! That's enough", he said. "This is nothing! I had too many ideas to break her bones. How dare she breaks your heart? And you ! Don't ever fall for this shit called love.", I said with great satisfaction.

( To be continued)

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