
Monday 20 October 2014

This shit called Love - Part 10

We became normal again. We ended up doing craziest things till wee hours of the day. The cracks in our relationship soon dissolved. Our friendship was strong and only time could measure the strength of our friendship.

I thought it had ended. But this was only the beginning. I felt strange that I still longed for him to kiss me or touch me the way he did that day. I rebuffed those thoughts many times but they appeared in my mind many times. 

If this was not enough, I felt jealous when he spoke about other girls. I wished he saw me the way he saw his ex girl friend.
Whenever he held me, I shivered. I had never felt this way ever. 

What was happening to me? Why was I becoming like other girls? I  was never so soft or sensitive. Gosh! I felt like Mahi!
I let him have his way and I never did that!

It had been six months since I felt this way. Soft romantic songs became meaningful to me. I always stayed away from this. But now it seemed like as if something was stolen from me.

One blue morning , I realised what had happened to me. All these changes that happened over this few months was nothing but love. A series of mixed emotions hit my heart, soul and mind. "Don't tell me , you are in love!", I wondered. 

( To be continued)

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