
Thursday 16 October 2014

This shit called Love- Part 9

This was a surprise. A kiss! I didn't know how to react. I wanted to release myself from his tight grip. But it was strange! I was enjoying it. While he explored every possible areas of my mouth, I became numb.

When he was done, I rushed for the door. I didn't look back. I ran towards home. I didn't even say our regular goodbyes. This was crazy. The whole night I thought about all the reasons of why he kissed me. Did he have crush on me? 

How could that be possible. He was ditched few days back. We had trashed his ex girlfriend few hours back. My head ached due to too much of pondering . I left the issue. However I didn't meet him for few days. 

I was throwing my tantrums on Mahi and mum. It was wrong on part of me to display my anger on those who weren't the cause of it. He did call me million times. But I ignored it. It took me few days to settle down. 

One fine day ( a week after that incident) I walked into our adda and found him with his guitar and bottle of beer. " Why didn't you see me?", I asked. "What! You stopped taking my calls and you had asked your guard to not let me into your house. Instead of you feeling sorry, you are barking at me.", he replied. 

I never say sorry even if it is my mistake. Instead I force others to say sorry. It sounds weird but it's a fact. " Why should I ? You owe me apology for kissing me?", I protested. " LOL! You never let me say! Ok fine! I am sorry.", he said. "It's not proper. Say it like you mean it!", I said. "Whatever!", he said and left the room. After few mins, he came in and said, " I am sorry. Please can we be friends again."

( To be continued)

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