
Wednesday 22 October 2014

This shit called Love - Part 12

Sleepless nights became part of my routine life. I had various opportunities to tell him about my feelings. Unfortunately my courage disappeared when I saw him.
Love made me weak and I was slowly distancing myself because of love.

"You seemed to be silent now a days. What happened? ", he asked. I wanted to scream that love is the problem.  But I simply nodded my head, making him believe that  I was normal.

He didn't believe. Thanks to my face that had truth written over. "Fine! Don't tell me !" , he said , leaving me alone. He stopped speaking to me for days until one fine day I received a message - I need you now!

I rushed to him. I found him drunk on the floor. We were at his home. " Can you stop drinking and be normal for once.", I said. " " Normal! How can I be normal when my friend .. life stops talking to me.", he said.

I looked down and tear droplets started bursting out. He got up and hugged me slowly. "I am sorry.", he said softly. " Tears make you look girly.", he laughed. I didn't reply anything and cried my heart out.

He cupped my face and bought it closer to mine. He kissed my tears and then my forehead. Later he touched my lips. When I opened it for him to explore my mouth, he bit my lips. I didn't realise when the kiss turned into wild hunger for love,

( To be continued )

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