
Thursday 23 October 2014

This shit called Love- Part 13

The lust. The wild passion ruled us. He showed me love, care and affection. I didn't want this time to pass soon. I was enchanted by his charm. I didn't feel guilty for what I was doing.

He kissed me every part of my body. His kisses were small and soft. My body shuddered with his every touch. This shit called love never seemed so beautiful until few hours.

He made passionate love to me while I became a part of him. He explored my body until there was no new place he had not seen. He finally stopped and I was in exhilarating pain.

I smiled while I waited for his soft touch. But he was already asleep. I didn't wake him up. How could I? He looked so small and innocent when he slept. I got up and walked to the washroom. I cleaned myself though pain was still there .

I walked back of him and lay beside him. I stared at him for hours until sleep conquered me. Love is sweet. Love is special. Love wasn't shit after all. Sometimes it is best not to make judgements soon. 

When the sun rose and it's light woke us up, it had erased the wonderful thing we shared. Suddenly I became stranger to him. He didn't speak to me. Instead the silence had engulfed us. I walked out of his house with broken heart and low self esteem.

( To be continued)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Please do read the other parts and I will promise to keep it very interesting !!
