
Wednesday 29 October 2014

This shit called Love- part 15

Those words hit me badly. Tears of sorrow and broken heart started flowing. I didn't lose hope. " Please! Please don't say that. I love you.", I cried. " I don't see you in that way. You are my friend for Christ sake.", he said. 

I was crushed. "Then why did you make love to me?", I screamed. He looked at me in disgust. " I told you that night was a mistake. I am not ready for any commitments.", he said.

I slapped him hard. The colour of his face changed from yellow to red. "What the hell! ", he shouted. "I hate you, Rajveer. I thought you would be the last one to break my heart. But you .. went ahead of those who broke my heart.", I said. 

I walked out of his house and he didn't even stop me. That day, I realised that you come alone in this world and leave alone. I didn't even look at his face for one last time.

I didn't leave my room after that incident. Tears and sorrow became my best friend. My mum tried to persuade me to come down and spend time with the family. I didn't listen. The four walls of my room became the fortress for my broken heart.

He didn't call me. He didn't even tried to meet me. Mahi tried to break open the door. But her frail hands didn't support her. Everyone was worried about me except him. I knew love was trouble. Look what it had done. It made me lose the one I loved.

(To be continued)

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