
Monday 27 October 2014

This shit called Love- Part 14

I would jump at every ring of messages or call. Later when I would check it, I would see that it was not him. Crazy thoughts were eating my head. I couldn't think clearly.

What had happened to him ? Why didn't he message or call me? Was yesterday night a mistake? Why was he acting weird? He hadn't bothered to ask how I felt. 

Wait! Is he waiting for me to make the first move? How could I be so dumb! I never thought he would feel the same way as I did. At once I called him.

He didn't pick up. Maybe he was still asleep. I messaged him after some time. He didn't respond. This is strange. He always responds to my message within quarter seconds after my message. Was he fine?

I rushed to his house. I rang the bell like dozen times.  He called out some abuses while opening the door. He was startled to find me. "Baby, are you fine? I was thinking about you.", I said softly. I pushed him aside and walked inside. 

"I am fine." , he replied back. He followed me as I made myself comfortable on the sofa. "Well, yesterday's night was special for me...", I said but couldn't complete my sentence. "Yesterday's night was a mistake.", he said coldly. My heart sank into deep misery.

( To be continued)

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