
Thursday 2 October 2014

This shit called love- Part 5

I was in very bad state. My dress was soiled and torn a bit. I definitely couldn't go home like this. " Hey, You look shit! What do we do now?", he asked. " Sugar candy, why worry when I can do this!" I said. 

I took my dress out slowly. First, I took the salwar out, showing out my cropped top. Later I dropped my kameez which had been covered my toned legs for long time. 

Fortunately no one was there to witness the show except Sugar candy a.k.a Rajveer. Rajveer has been my soul friend since our nursery years. I was three when I first met him. 

I still remember that day when some kid had snatched his tiffin. I walked towards the kid and hit him bad. I got his tiffin back as well as remarks from my teacher to mum. 

I became his guardian after that incident. He had family who were never with him. They always seemed to be scattered due to their work and lifestyle. He never missed his family though I know that deep in his heart , he always wanted to go back home where there was someone who was waiting for.

He looked every corner to see if there was onlookers. " You are mad! What if someone was enjoying the show?", he asked. " Let them, sugar candy!  I have great body to flaunt.", I replied cooly. He nodded his head and said, " No one can ever understand you! You are a girl with two sided personalities." 

(To be continued )

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