
Wednesday 1 October 2014

This shit called Love- Part 4

He smiled sheepishly. He did the same things that I did few minutes back. He took tiny stones from the road and threw them at her car. This happened until she arrived. She looked perfect even when she was burning with fury.

"Hey what the hell do you think you are doing? , she asked. " The same thing that you did to his heart. ", I replied back on behalf of him. " I am not talking to you, lady. I will do anything I want. Who are you  to tell me that I am wrong?  ", she said with sarcastic tone. 

I had disliked her from the time she had come into his life. Now she had hit the hard spot. I walked towards her and pushed her lightly. She didn't like it. She pushed me back which turned into cat fight.

We started pulling each other's hair and making scratches on our face. We also used cuss words at each other. Now the fight was between her and me while he became meer spectator. He tried to break in. Unfortunately his bony personality was a disadvantage. We pushed him aside.

Our fight became spectator's entertainment. Some smiled, some took videos of us from their cellphones  and some made comments at our immature behavior. We stopped when we were tired. But our verbal abuses continued until he dragged me from there. 

"You are like ball of fire when you are angry. It was like she had dumped you and not me.", he laughed. " Ha ha! Laugh ! Laugh as much you want. But she needed it.", I said. He gave me a bear hug which cooled the fury within me. It was true. I couldn't take it if someone tried to hurt him. 

( To be continued)

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