
Wednesday 15 October 2014

This shit called Love- part 8

"Are you fine?", he asked. I nodded with a wink while I cleared my face from dust and dried leaves. "Let me help you ", he said , trying to help me. But I didn't let him.

As we headed towards our usual adda, he  said," You are so adamant! You think riding a bike is child play. It is better for you to listen to people sometimes." I smiled and playfully hit his shoulders.

" Don't start again! You look boring when you give lectures. You should loosen up a bit.", I said. Our adda was small non functional video library that his dad had set up long time ago. The business didn't go well but luck turned gold for his dad and made him top notch director.

The library looked decent and clean from outside. However it was contrast to clean from inside. The broken shelves contained his collections of notorious magazines and videos. The paints of the wall had started to fade. The windows and glass doors of the library were covered with dark papers that hid us from the outside world.

We fell on the grounds like tired bunch of soldiers as we went inside. We cracked jokes at each other. We listened to crazy music playing out from the stereo ( the only new thing in his place). We did all the crazy things that we never thought of during the daylight. 

The day was coming to end and I felt happy that it came to a good end. "What would I do without you!", he said. I smiled and hugged him. As I started to walk towards the door, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. After few minutes , he kissed me deeply. I stood shocked .

( To be continued)

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