
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Solitary Love - Part 2

Something struck him. Suddenly reality became visible. He left the place and walked to different part of area which needed his attention. However the beauty followed him there.

"Hey where are you going? Don't be shy. I won't bite you.",she said. Her voice was sweet like honey. It melted his ears. It was more like symphony to his heart. He didn't understand the foreign language she spoke.What was happening? He was trying to get away but it followed him.  

He rushed towards the head servant. She followed him there too. "She's following me. I don't know why.", he said in his local language. The colour of head servants face changed when he saw her.

"Don't you know who she is! She is Sahib's daughter. She might have wanted something from you.", the head servant replied back. "Memsahib, do you want something?", the head servant continued

"Oh yes! I wanted to know the song he was singing . It's beautiful.", she said. "Song... (he looked at Srinivasan and whispered to him local language) Yes, I know, memsahib. It is just a tribal song .", head servant said.

"Could you ask him to teach me too please? I would like to learn it. ", she asked. Both the servants looked at each other. They wanted to laugh but they didn't have the freedom to laugh. An Englishwoman wanted to learn the language detested by her own countrymen.

(To be continued)

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