
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Solitary Love - Part 1

The sun hid behind the dark grey clouds. Winter hadn't yet started and it was cold already. Tiny droplets of rain hit the soil of colonized India where the word 'freedom' was only a strange word.  

Srinivasan was covered from head to toe with thick shawl. It was only source of heat for him. His thin dhoti cloth didn't do much to cover his strong able body.

He walked faster. He was ten minutes late to his Sahib's house. He had worked there as a gardener for five years from now. His work was the only reason that his Sahib tolerated his unpuntuality. His love for plants was the only way to feed his family.

He reached the garden where the head servant waited impatiently for him." You are late again. Thank god that Sahib didn't see you now. Go and water the plants.", the head servant said.

He nodded his head. He quickly rushed to plants and started his work. He sang soft songs on nature in language he knew since child while he watered the plants. He kneaded the soil and sow the seeds of love.

"You sing beautifully. What is this song?", a feminine voice said. He looked behind to see a doll... or  Was she a nymph in typical Victorian dress? Whatever she was, he hadn't seen the girl so fair with blonde hair that blew momentarily across her face. He stared at the beauty and stopped what he was doing.

(To be continued)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading!! It's only because of readers like you that I am able to come up with interesting plots. Enjoy and continue reading :)
