
Monday 17 November 2014

Solitary Love- Part 4

The day was perfect though it was winter. The sun shined while cold wind blowing across the land momentarily. He had finished his work early to include the new role.

He despised it. Why should he teach the sacred song to the intruder? The land he was standing and the soil that he felt under his feet was snatched by the countrymen of her land and no one cared about it.

He wanted to start a movement like the one started fifty years back by a soldier against British. Unlike the solider, he had no courage. He ended up working for one to support his poor family.

"Good morning! You are early today. Anyway thanks for your time.", she said politely. He didn't understand the language she spoke. Was she insulting him? He had known that the English knew how to treat people ( not superior to their race) miserably. He shouldn't have agreed to the head servant.

Where was the head servant? He made disgusted look. He didn't want to be left alone with this stranger. He looked around while she smiled at him time to time. There was an eerie silence between them.

At last after hundred terrible waiting minutes,the head servant arrived. He huffed and came. After taking few deep breaths to compose himself, he apologized for coming late. Srinivasan understood the value of time for the first time.

( To be continued)

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