
Tuesday 18 November 2014

Solitary Love- Part 5

"Sorry, I got late.", head servant said this nth time now. Srinivasan counted the sorries joblessly while the head servant spoke to her about the deal in her language. He also noticed that she would momentarily gaze at him when she got every moment free.

He stared at her emerald eyes. He had never seen such pretty eyes. Her nose was well shaped, small and pointed. Her lips were red and for one moment, he wanted to kiss them. Suddenly he stopped looking at her and controlled his emotions.

Why did he think like this? She was member of the intruder  clan. He cannot commit sin by thinking about her in such manner. He diverted his mind to music and forms of it.

His love for music was like love he had for plants. The sweet symphony amazed him the way it calms him. The lyrics wandered in his mind like the soul wandering in the forest. He listens to the beats in his heart.

Suddenly he sang the words of love and discussions stops in middle. They listen to him with amazement. When he comes to his senses, he stops. "Why did you stop?", she said.

"Can we start ?" , he looked at head servant. The heart servant guides to them to place where no one visits. They are sitting on the luscious green grass while she is sitting on the cloth mat.

( To be continued)

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