
Sunday 9 November 2014

This Shit called Love- Part 21

Don't go! Please don't go!", he repeated. People looked at us with confusion. There was a lot of commotion.People were speaking in low soft voices. It was about us. They were witnessing a dramatic scene which was quite entertaining. But I didn't want to be part of this.

Tears swelled my eyes. "I can't . I waited too long.", I said softly. He walked closer towards me until distance seemed minimal. "Please don't go. I am sorry. I am sorry for drifting away from you. I am sorry for not understanding our special relationships.", he said. Everything that he said was irony to my ears. 

I looked away from him. My heart was melting. Second thoughts were screaming from nowhere. "Please don't do this! I have to leave.", I said. " I am sorry for hurting your emotions. You loved me with all heart. I was selfish...", he couldn't complete his sentence and I started to leave.

He grabbed my hand suddenly. " Don't ... I can't leave without you even a single second. You are my life . Yes! I am fool to discard you away. But that's stupid mistake that I am ready to change.", he said.

I stared at confused eyes of my dear ones. I looked at Rajveer one more time. I smiled though tears didn't seem to stop. " Please don't let me say this! But I had tough time to get away from you. I am leading my life peacefully. I am ready to forgive you but I can't let you in my life. Bye !",I said releasing my hand. " Don't go! Don't go!", he said. " You discarded me like a vegetable. You didn't give me chance to prove my love. You forgot our years of friendship. This is the best I can do- Forgive you.", I said.

He was shocked. He fell down to the grounds like the lost warrior.I couldn't see him in pain. I pulled him up and hugged him.. our old friendly hug that glued our relationship But I didn't let it melt the pain I had. He had taken time to understand us. But I had self pride. I didn't want to lose myself again. I walked inside the airport with new found confidence and hope.

                                               ***** The end *****


  1. I read all the parts and really liked the story. Would come to read more.

  2. Thanks Shwetha for the feedback. I hope I could bring out many interesting stories.:)
