Thursday 18 December 2014

Solitary Love- Part 15

He was put into solitary confinement Just the way Willington wanted. To Willington, Srinivasan was a disease who had infected his life and snatched something precious out of his life. If he had stopped the disease from the beginning, his wife would have been alive. He should have killed Srinivasan the first time he found him with his wife.

Love made Srinivasan sane. Love made him strong. Even the most painful strike of belt of the officers didn't affect him. His senses turned numb to any kind of pain or hurt. His heart only knew one emotion that was love.

Solitary became his best friend and pain became his weekend companion . When he was tired with solitariness, he would feel the pain of heartbreak, desperation and feeling of separation from true love. He had begun to love her. Now it had become unbearable without her. 

But he never stopped loving her for even single day. She became his goddess and he worshiped her with all heart. His poems were feelings spilling out from his heart. He related every part of his surrounding to her.

"The sea reminds me
of her eyes sparkling blue.
Her smile releases
the caged bird named pain

Her sweet love
fills my empty heart,
while I sit here,
facing the wrath
of the world

During the day, he became the play ball for white man. The officers would hit him to ease their boredom. They would try to break him by torturing his soul and heart. He would never lose himself. Slowly and slowly they began to reduce their torture because of boredom. 

During the evening, he eased out the pain through poems.Maybe it was the only way he could remember her. Maybe it was the only way to release the love which he cannot express now.

(To be continued)

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