Wednesday 28 May 2014

Apple of your eye- Part 27

He was gone! It was a bitter truth. Accepting it was the only option. But she didn't want to do this. She still had hope that he would come back. Love could do miracles, they say. Did this magic work even in real world?

How much ever she would try imagining that he would come back, this was not going to be possible. Nanda felt miserable , looking at her plight. He wished that he hadn't told her. " I am sorry", he whispered , handing her a piece of paper that looked like a bus ticket. It was from Amritsar to Delhi.

She was startled and asked " What is this?" " Lieutnant Saab wanted us to escort you to Delhi where he enrolled you into one of the  Delhi school so you could complete your studies snd achieve your dreams. He also wanted to come with you. Due to serious conditions, he couldn't make it.", he replied.

She cried out loud. Memories of the time when he had said that her dreams were important to him played in her mind. She kneeled down due to hopelessness and weakness. For the first time, she understood the importance of his love in her life. She didn't know that when he was there.

" Can you Atleast tell me the reason that he had to leave me ?",she asked out of blue. Nanda wasn't sure whether she was brave enough to hear his account of Abhinav's death. He looked at her soft eyes. They needed answer and he couldn't say no. " We had an emergency. Mohi- ud-deen had struck again and Abhinav didn't want to lose this battle. He fought him single handedly. He died ... Fighting for you, your family, your sister and every single country men.", he said , remembering the final moments of Abhinav where he had walked bravely into Mohi- ud-deen's house and shot him point blank. But he couldn't survive the attack from Mohi-ud-deen's men.

Nanda left her safetly in custody of his widowed aunty. His aunt was the only family he was left with. However things had turned haphazard at the army base when he had come back. Nanda was arrested for the crime he hadn't done. He was charged for being the mascot of Mohi-ud-deen and Abhinav wasn't given the name for his heroic action. Abhinav's name was blacklisted and held as the shame of the army. Nanda stared at the Major. He was surprised at him. He had served the country only to be deceived by it's own people. Major dialled a number. It was Anish Khan. " Your work is done.  Nanda is arrested and now we will get the girl.", Major said. " Leave the girl! I just wanted Mohi- ud- deen dead and the balance between fear and life maintained . My work is done and you will get your money soon.", Anish smirked. It was ironical that people had to be very careful of people around them.

                       **** the end*****

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